[ACLU-NM] The Legislature is starting! And so are we!

Kimberly Lavender klavender at ACLU-NM.org
Tue Jan 17 11:02:43 MST 2006

                                                  ACLU-NM Members:

	The legislature convenes today for a short (30 day) session
ending on February 16.  
	Although ACLU-NM is not initiating any new legislation, we will
be watching and opposing several possible bills.  
	These bills may include issues around     
	          Real ID (a federal driver's license law -- see our
press release on our web blog)
	            Mandatory enhancements on sentences (for crimes
involving gang members)
	            Mandatory outpatient mental health treatment for
prisoners (religious freedom issues)
	            Mandatory life sentences for convictions involving
victims under 10 years old (or with the intent to kill or torture a
	            DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act proposing a
Constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a
	            Definition of beginning of life (Constitutional
amendment, anti-choice/abortion)  
	            Teaching Intelligent Design (memorial possibility)
	We, Diane Wood, our lobbyist, and me, Joyce Briscoe, will be
keeping our ACLU-NM members (and coalition partners, such as Religious
Freedom Coalition and Equality New Mexico) informed of legislative
actions through e-mail list serves and web blog updates.  You can reach
our web blog by clicking on the upper right corner of our website,
www.aclu-nm.org <http://www.aclu-nm.org> . 
	                                                 R e m e m b e r
	To call the legislative switchboard at the Roundhouse:
	Write your Representative or Senator at the NM Legislature
State Capitol
Santa Fe, NM  8750l  
	                    Thank you for your active membership during
this legislative session !     
	Joyce Briscoe
	Legislative Advocate
	ACLU of New Mexico
	PO Box 566
	Albuquerque, NM 87103
	go to our website at www.aclu-nm.org <http://www.aclu-nm.org/> 

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