Very nice collection;  Thank you, Felicia and Meredith.  It was a memorable event and the video capture it.

Judy Williams, Past President

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 3:36 PM Meredith Machen <> wrote:

Many thanks to Felicia Lujan, State Archivist, for documenting LWVNM’s 100th Anniversary and the Suffrage Centennial Celebration at the NM State Capitol on February 6, 2020.  The YouTube is about almost 2 hours long, some of it with sound. It includes excerpts of the songs and the speeches in the rotunda, photos of people in suffrage garb and in the legislative chambers where resolutions were read, images of historical documents that were in the archives held by the NM Commission of Public Records, and the new ones we added to the State Archives. Felicia will be posting this YouTube and one on NM’s Suffragists on the Facebook pages of the NM State Archives and the National Archives.  


When we started thinking about what we wanted to do for our 100th anniversary, our goals were clear. As always, our mission was to use the occasion to educate voters and to expand democracy by increasing civic awareness and participation. Our History Committee spent significant amounts of time and effort investigating the decades leading up to the ratification of the 19th Amendment, the work of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (out of which the League was born) and other suffragists, and the economic and social issues that drove the concerted action to improve conditions. Many of the policies that brought millions of women together internationally and in the United States for seven decades plus are equally important today. Efforts by local, state and national Leagues to make government accountable and transparent continue to make a difference.


As we deal with the current emergency with the coronavirus, dressing like suffragists and enjoying suffrage cake and lemonade at the Capitol seems a bit quaint. But think of our foremothers, carrying on the suffrage movement through the raging TB epidemic and the Spanish flu pandemic, through the Civil War and the First World War. What kept our foremothers going keep us going. Our larger purpose has never been more relevant. We must have strong, enlightened governmental policies driven by the utter commitment to act for the public good. Cooperation, coordinated action, and forward thinking will help us protect the vulnerable and preserve civilization and our environment. As we commemorate the efforts of the past, we remember that through similar crises women did not give up fighting for the vote. We will continue the fight, making sure that every eligible voter has access to the ballot, the precious right that has cost so much blood, sweat, and tears. Our insistence upon organized structures and the sharing of information and resources are our hallmarks.  Those who aren’t able to care for themselves need governmental safety nets in times of crisis.


Many people and groups made our centennial event successful.  Virginia Kase, LWVUS CEO, delivered enlightening remarks about the League’s commitment to economic and social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI, for short).  We give special thanks to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham; Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver; Senators Nancy Rodriguez, Liz Stefanics, and Daniel Ivey-Soto; Representatives Joanne Ferrary and Gail Chasey and to many other legislators who paid us tribute in the chambers when the memorials were presented, in the Rotunda, and in the hallways.  Our program reflected diverse perspectives. Hispanic, Native American, African American, and white women leaders from our various partner organizations spoke eloquently about our shared priorities for clean, fair and accessible elections and representative, responsive government. Progress requires addressing historical challenges and shortcomings honestly and forthrightly.


Members of the public including many students expressed gratitude for the enlightening displays by all of our Leagues and our dedicated partners, Common Cause, AAUW, and NAACP. We are grateful for the information shared by the representatives from NOW, the Woman’s Club, the NM Humanities Council, Fair Districts NM, and other groups.


As we work together to get out the vote in the upcoming elections, we honor our ancestors. And when our descendants look back at this time, they will want to find strong ties that girded our country together when facing adversity. Let’s supercharge this election in homage to those who fought so valiantly for those whose voices had been denied. We commit to making progress, holding dear the sacred trust of our foremothers and allies. It is our sacred trust.


Thank you to all whose ongoing work makes the League an effective organization and those who carry the torch for democracy with liberty and justice for all.

Just as we treasured seeing the clippings, programs, voter guides, newsletters, and League voter guides and pamphlets that documented the concerns and values over the years, we’re heartened by the commitment to work together through this crisis.


Please enjoy the link below.


Meredith Machen

505 577 6337




From: Lujan, Felicia, SRCA []
: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 9:51 AM
To: Meredith Machen; Meredith Machen
Subject: Centennial Celebration of Suffrage at the Roundhouse- 2-6-2020


Dr. Machen~ I hope this message finds you well. I know our communities are struggling to make it through this time together right now and wanted to share some light in this struggle. Thank you to Dr. Machen for coordinating and hosting such a wonderful and successful event in February in honor of suffrage. It is an honor to help actively acknowledge those who came before us and made such a difference, so I do hope that this footage is distributed far and wide to share these acknowledgements. Please email this link to your contacts and share the light!

Centennial Celebration of Suffrage at the Roundhouse- 2-6-2020
running time 1:45:15]



Felicia Lujan, CDIM, Director
State Archives of New Mexico


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