Meredith Machen 
505 577 6337

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ezra Rosenberg <>
Date: August 20, 2020 at 9:29:40 AM MDT
To: "" <>, Strikeforce <>
Subject: Census and USPS Suits Initiated

Hi, all.  Hope this finds you well. Attached are 2 complaints that were filed on Tuesday:

  1. Together with the Brennan Center, Public Counsel, and pro bono counsel, we filed a suit on behalf of the National Urban League, League of Women Voters, Black Alliance for Just Immigration and local governments in N.D. Calif., challenging the Census Bureau’s decision to curtail census enumeration activities.
  2. Together with pro bono counsel, we filed a suit on behalf of the National Urban League, Common Cause, and the League of Women Voters in D. MD challenging the US Postal Service’s changes in practices that could affect the handling of mail-in ballots.


  • Ezra