Good and let's keep working.
Dick MasonWe have developed a whole paper on how the the legislature should operate. We got some changes.The LWVNM does not have a position on the length of the session.We have advocated for years for a paid legislature.
On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 3:10 PM George Richmond via Action <> wrote:
_______________________________________________I propose some changes to our State Legislature, some of which were proposed in this session...but never passed.
A) Paid Staff With over 900 bills, memorials and resolutions introduced this session, how can legislators keep up? they do not have time to read the reports so HAVING PAID STAFF TO DO THAT WORK WILL HELP.
So, I propose paid staff for all legislators during the regular sessions and interim committee meetings held throughout the year after the session.
B) Payment for being a legislator. NM is the only state with only Per Diem payments. Younger people, say, under 60 who are still working just can not leave a job to take the position....or need a working partner or spouse or some independent income.
I find it ludicrous that the Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader are both attorneys and have a law firm to carry them financially so they can do their jobs, which include much more work, of course. But then, they have staff..because of their positions.
C) Length of Sessions. I deem the sessions too short and propose a flexible period. A week before the sessions start, the Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader should meet and decide on the length of the sessions, which would be extended an additional 15 days for the current 30 day short session and up to 90 days for the current long session. My proposal means that the short session could be 30 days or up to 45 days, for example, depending on the critical issues to be resolved and the same approach with the Long Session.
I am not saying that this should be the topic of this Friday's meeting, but I want to bring it up for discussion and future action. Certainly Hannah should be included and any others in the dozen or so people who attend most meetings.
"See" you on Friday,
George Richmond
On 3/23/2021 9:35 AM, Richard Mason via Action wrote:
Action Zoom on Friday at 4 pm
sum up the session & talk about the special session
_______________________________________________ Action mailing list George M. Richmond 152 Juniper Hill Road, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122-1913 C: 505-280-2105 E:
Action mailing list
_______________________________________________ Action mailing list
-- George M. Richmond 152 Juniper Hill Road, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122-1913 C: 505-280-2105 E: