For background on why the state board approved and supports updating our Election Procedures position as presented in the Spring La Palabra Program Report, see below. Plurality voting is a democratic system that requires a majority in order to win while “winner takes all” fails to do that. Thanks for studying the issue. Santa Fe and Las Cruces joined many enlightened governments by instituting ranked choice voting. The Maine uses it for all elections even primaries. Lots of Leagues have done extensive studies and have lobbied for voters to support the change. 

Meredith Machen 
505 577 6337

Begin forwarded message:

From: Paula Lee <>
Date: April 8, 2021 at 11:27:34 AM EDT
To: Kayla Vix <>
Cc: LWV New York - Dare Thompson <>, LWV Colorado - ED Beth Hendrix <>, Carol Moon Goldberg <>, League of Women Voters State Presidents <>
Subject: Re: Mt Holyoke professor Douglas J Amy

Professor Douglas Amy’s book “Behind the Ballot Box: A Citizens Guide to Election Systems had a great list of criteria 
California Local Leagues used to evaluate different electoral systems in California’s state study of election systems.

I am not familiar with ALL his work but Professor Amy has been writing about the problems with U.S. plurality elections for many years. 
As an alternative to plurality winner take all elections,  he argues for proportional representation. 

After 20 years of LWV state and local electoral reform studies, our LWVUS Voter Representation and Election Systems 
position supports alternatives to plurality voting and supports proportional representation.

Perhaps it is what motivated Prof. Amy to contact some local leagues rather than “self promotion”?

The specific position language can be found in LWVUS publication "Impact on Issues" page 47 and 48 

 "we support electoral systems that “implement alternatives to plurality voting”
"The League supports electoral systems that elect policy-making bodies–-legislatures, councils, commissions, and boards—that proportionally reflect the people they represent.

Paula Lee
LWV Sacramento, CA
916-704-0195 Cell & Text

P.S. I found this when I looked up his book Real Choices/New Voices:

There is a growing realization that many of the problems afflicting American elections can be traced to the electoral system itself, in particular to our winner-take-all approach to electing officials. Douglas Amy demonstrates that switching to proportional representation elections―the voting system used in most other Western democracies, by which officials are elected in large, multimember districts according to the proportion of the vote won by their parties―would enliven democratic political debate, increase voter choice and voter turnout, ensure fair representation for third parties and minorities, eliminate wasted votes and "spoilers," and ultimately produce policies that better reflect the public will. Looking beyond new voting machines and other quick fixes for our electoral predicament, this new edition of Real Choices/New Voices offers a timely and imaginative way out of the frustrations of our current system of choosing leaders.

On Apr 6, 2021, at 7:40 AM, Kayla Vix <> wrote:

I would caution against promoting resources that LWV doesn’t endorse or control. There may be some good content here, but this feels mostly like self-promotion—especially if this person is getting in touch with many Leagues in this way.
Kayla Vix (she/her)
Communications Manager
League of Women Voters of the United States

1233 20th St NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036
202-809-9668 | | Facebook | Twitter

From: <> On Behalf Of Dare Thompson
Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 5:31 PM
To: LWV Colorado - ED Beth Hendrix <>
Cc: Carol Moon Goldberg <>; League of Women Voters State Presidents <>
Subject: Re: Mt Holyoke professor Douglas J Amy
My local League got the same message and I was impressed by what I saw of his writings and background but we don't endorse even the finest of finest scholars so we couldn't think what to do about his request except maybe to ask him to speak to us. I'm also on the NY state board and haven't heard how we responded if we did.

Dare Thompson
36 Reservoir Road, Marlboro, NY 12542
845-236-3074 (preferred)  845-591-3445 (cell)

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 3:10 PM Beth Hendrix <> wrote:
One of our state Leagues forwarded a message from Dr. Amy, which prompted a bit of background research – he seems legit and a valid resource, we decided – that said, we haven’t contacted him at this point.
Best --
Beth Hendrix
Executive Director
Empowering voters. Defending democracy.
Empoderar a los votantes. La defensa de la democracia.
303-863-0437 office
303-588-5470 cell
From: <> On Behalf Of Carol Moon Goldberg
Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 12:50 PM
To: 'League of Women Voters State Presidents' <>
Subject: Mt Holyoke professor Douglas J Amy
Hello everyone,
A couple of our local Leagues have been contacted by a retired Mt. Holyoke professor named Douglas J. Amy suggesting that his website be posted on their websites.  I believe this is the site
About this website. – a web project of Douglas J. Amy. I am a Professor of Politics at Mount Holyoke College, where I have taught American politics for over 20 years. My main area of expertise has been electoral system reform, and I have written a number of books including Real Choices, New Voices: How Proportional Representation Elections Could Revitalize American ...
He's created a library on proportional representation for FairVote. 
Have you or any of the Leagues in your states had contact with this?  What are your opinions of it, if you have any. 
Thanks so much,
Carol Moon Goldberg (she, her)


League of Women Voters of California 

Phone (916) 715-2604 | | | 


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