Dear SNM Suffrage Alliance Members and Friends,
As most of you are aware, on August 28 the SNM Suffrage Alliance will sponsor a Webinar Event, Voter Expression, Not Voter Suppression. Our event has 3 three goals:
  1. Motivate people to be civically active to preserve democratic principles; complacency is not an option.
  2. Identify activities that could provide support to states dealing with voter suppression.
  3. Unify diverse groups to work together to strengthen democracy.
These goals are shared by organizations who are holding national marches on that day in Washington DC, Tampa Bay, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Nashville, Phoenix, California, Utah, Washington State and more.  The draft agenda of the Alliance Webinar is as follows:

1:00 p.m.         Introduction, Guidelines for Communication (Listen with curiosity; speak your own                                            experience; connect with respect)
                        Moderator NAACP DAC President Bobbie Green
1:05 p.m.         March On for Voting Rights – Washington DC and Other Cities
                        NMSU Emeritus Government Professor Christa Slaton
1:10 p.m.         DAC Clerk A. Lopez Askin and Chief Deputy Clerk L. Bachman 
1:30 p.m.         NM SOS Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Keynote Speaker
1:50 p.m.         LULAC National CEO Sindy Benavides 
2:10 p.m.         Indian Law Specialist Jessica Inez Martinez
2:30 p.m.         Tortugas Pueblo Representativa Arianna Fierro
2:50 p.m.         AAUW US Board Chair Julia Brown
3:10 p.m.         National March on for Voting Rights – Christa Slaton
3:15 p.m.         Closure, Describe Next Steps
The Alliance planning committee is asking that you assist in advertising the Webinar by emailing all your members, friends, and groups throughout the state, making them aware that the Webinar will take place and inviting them to attend.  For more information feel free to contact Liz Rodriguez-Johnson at  
Please click here to register for the Voter Expression, Not Voter Suppression Webinar to be held on Saturday, August 28 at 1 PM.
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