_______________________________________________I am doing this training for the NM Alliance of Health Councils. When I mentioned it at a LWV meeting some members said they would be interested. I got the OK from the ED of the NMAHC. This is not about changing or reforming the capital outlay process. It is how health councils (or others) can utilize it.
I am attaching two documents.Dick Mason
Capital Outlay Training with Dick Mason
WhenWed Jul 20, 2022 3pm – 4pm Mountain Time - Denver Wherehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/5756219684 (map) Calendarpolirich@aol.com Who
• info@nmhealthcouncils.org - organizer• NMAHC Staff and Interns• NMAHC is offering this training for health councils on Capitol Outlay, and how it could be a source of health council funding.Join Zoom Meeting
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