Community Conversations on Redistricting
We want LWVNM members to speak out - see list below
I am attaching a document from the LWVNM initiated Fair Districts for New Mexico that gives an overview

 These are some of the questions/issues that will be explored through the community conversations. 

  1. what worked and what could have worked better about the Citizen Redistricting Committee process
  2. the relative importance of different redistricting criteria from the US Constitution, NM laws, and the Voting Rights Act
  3. the degree to which the process and outcomes recognized and respected the sovereign rights of the Tribal nations within New Mexico
  4. the importance of communities of interest
  5. if/how community input impacted our Legislature’s decisions
  6. ways to strengthen political redistricting in the future

 The first meeting will be mostly reflections on the past.  The second meeting will focus more on what’s possible and how to get there before the next Census/redistricting process.

A total of 12 meetings will be held in the late summer of 2022. Each meeting is two hours. There are options to participate in person or via zoom.  All meeting dates, locations, times, and zoom links are attached for your reference.  The July meetings are also listed below:

There will be a second round starting on August 30th that will look at what we should do in the future

Round 1


July 18, 2022

Registration- 5pm

Conversation- 5:30-7:30pm

San Juan College, 4601 College Blvd.

Farmington, NM


Northern NM

July 19, 2022


Buffalo Thunder

20 Buffalo Thunder Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87506


Central NM

July 20, 2022


Remote Only


Las Cruces

July 21, 2022

Registration- 5pm

Conversation- 5:30-7:30pm

Community Action Agency- Southern

4631 New Mexico, 3880 Foothills Rd. Las Cruces, NM 88011


July 25, 2022

Registration- 5pm

Conversation- 5:30-7:30pm

Easter New Mexico University- Roswell

52 University Blvd., Roswell, NM

ITC 145 Commons

Silver City

July 26, 2022

Registration- 5pm

Conversation- 5:30-7:30pm

City Annex, Silver City, New Mexico

1203 N. Hudson St., Silver City, NM

2nd Floor Board Room