Please join us Tuesday October 4th at 9 am to hear Dr. Gabriel Sanchez discuss the analysis of the 2021 New Mexico Redistricting Process

Fair Districts for New Mexico and New Mexico First will host a virtual public meeting on October 4 at 9:00am to present and discuss the newly released report, "New Mexico Redistricting Evaluation" (see links at bottom), written in collaboration with Redistricting Partners, a redistricting and research contractor out of Sacramento, California. Dr. Gabriel Sanchez is a professor at the UNM Department of Political Science, as well as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Chair in Health Policy and Executive Director at the UNM Center for Social Policy. He is a Rubenstein Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Co-Founder, UNM Native American Budget and Policy Institute. Dr. Sanchez will present his findings and answer questions. The public is encouraged to attend.

Dr. David Cottrell to be added to the October 4th Zoom meeting

Dr. David Cottrell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science.  He earned his B.A. in Political Science from the University of California at Davis and his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan.  Before joining the faculty at UGA he completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Program in Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth College, where he subsequently served as a lecturer in quantitative methods for the Department of Government. His research uses empirical and computational methods to explore how rules and procedures distort representation in the United States. Dr. Cottrell was a major contributor to the “New Mexico Redistricting 2021 Evaluation”.

Time: Oct 4, 2022 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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