
You make an important point. There are two interim committees that have large staffs. the LESC that you detail and the Legislative Finance Committee that has a large staff.  The LFC staff actually develops the initial legislative budget that will be heard in the next session. They conduct studies and do analysis of legislation (FIR's) among other functions.

Might be worth doing a mini-educational on these two committees.

Dick Mason

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 5:05 PM Meredith Machen via Action <> wrote:
One of the most important legislative committees is the LESC because half of the state budget goes to education. LESC has permanent staff and meets year around except during the session when the House Education and Senate committees meet every day on an alternate basis. Please see attachment below for the committee’s work plan, one of several items that was discussed in the two-day meeting this week. 

Meredith Ross Machen

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