Hi Jane,
  Thanks for putting me on the mailing list.  Unfortunately, the article mentioned did not come through.


Gayle Boyd
863 Paseo del Sur
Santa Fe, NM  87501
(505) 983-8895

------ Original Message ------
From "Jane Asche via Action" <action@mailman.swcp.com>
To "Meredith Machen via Action" <action@mailman.swcp.com>
Cc "Jane Asche" <janeasche@comcast.net>
Date 5/30/2023 9:55:37 AM
Subject Re: [LWVNM Action] Learning Matters-SF New Mexican column on financial support for college

Great article.  Thanks for sending, Meredith.  Jane

On 5/29/2023 3:48 PM, Meredith Machen via Action wrote:
I was asked to do this column. Please share it with those who may have started college but never finished. I figure that our current batch of high school graduates have heard about our extraordinary opportunities, but GED completers may not have. Thanks. 

Meredith Machen
505 577-6337

Action mailing list
Jane A. Asche, Ed.D., Email: janeasche@comcast.net, Cell: 575-649-8154