The League of Women Voters of New Mexico Presents
The Legislative Process and the Role of the Legislative Council Service
Raul Burciaga, Esq.: Director, Legislative Council Service
Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 10 am to noon
State Capitol
Details to follow
Working on a webcast

The New Mexico Legislative Council appointed Raul Burgiaga as Director of the Legislative Council Service (LCS) in 2010. He has primary responsibility for the administration of the LCS, the nonpartisan bill drafting, and the legal research agency of the New Mexico Legislature. Raul joined LCS in 2000 and between 2004 and 2010 was Assistant Director for bill drafting services.

Raul is a member of the New Mexico Compilation Commission, which oversees the compilation and publishing of New Mexico laws. He is also a member of the national Uniform Law Commission, which recommends uniform laws for states to consider enacting.