Should we talk with our county clerks and ask them to alert us if they are having problems with partisan poll watchers or citizens during early voting and election day voting? We can supply volunteers with official LWV Observer buttons they can wear.
Karen Wentworth
From: Action <action-bounces@mailman.swcp.com> On Behalf Of Richard Mason via Action
Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2024 10:19 AM
To: LWVNM Action <action@mailman.swcp.com>
Cc: Richard Mason <polirich@aol.com>
Subject: [LWVNM Action] Election Opportunities
The LWVNM has registered as an Election Related Organization with the SOS.
That gives us the opportunity to appoint nonpartisan "Watchers". That allows you to be inside the voting locations to observe the voting process. This is different from a "Challenger" who can challenge the process.
Email us at act@lwvnm.org if you are interested
Of course, the first priority is to be sure we have enough "poll workers". who are paid by the county to work at the polls. If you are interested contact your county clerk.
Misinformation - The SOS has appointed a point person to deal with misinformation about the election.
The LWVNM has agreed to pass on any reports we get from members. Not set up to do that right now. Probably, just before early voting starts.
Dick Mason
Voting & Elections Director