Karen Wentworth sent CNM's housing position to a few of us on the Action steering committee, but as I review documents for tonight's meeting, I'm not sure the rest of you have seen it, and it wasn't in the documents Dick sent out, so I'm sending it out now.
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At CNM we are very enthusiastic about housing legislation in 2025. Here's a
document that allows you to compare the LWVNM and LWVCNM positions. Our
goal is to persuade the LWVNM board to adopt a concurrence with the CNM
position. I am hoping you will review this and make any needed suggestions
so that Starlyn can bring the question to the state board.
Thank you in advance for any advice,
Karen Wentworth
(505) 263-9066
Kwentworth17@comcast.net <mailto:Kwentworth17@comcast.net>
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