Similar note... Def always try to get a plate # and call it in to police asap while the driver is in the area.  We actually had to call in an aggressive driver Sunday am. 

Although it doesn't always amount to much police are sent out and if they do locate the individual they can do a DUI check and the incidents are documented least so there is a paper trail of their behaviors and tendencies.

On Jun 11, 2014 10:36 AM, "Craig Denman via Bike-racers" <> wrote:
I just saw an article in the Albuq. Journal that says that a cyclist was hit about 7pm (yesterday).

If anyone knows who it was (or other details) could they post here?

Can we start a list of "close call offenders" with the auto description and license when possible?  Would that help?  Or a series of web cams along the road through the canyon?  Signs (more of them) along road to remind drivers to watch for cyclists?

This might be a topic that could have some constructive discussion.

My calls to get the road swept after the winter has mostly gone by without action -- they return my call (or email), but tell me that they only sweep once or so a year.  I have stopped in the canyon to speak with the highway patrol -- they usually have a presence in the canyon -- they have indicated that if I had a license they would look up the vehicle and visit the owner (assuming they live in east mountains) to discuss any accusations with them personally.

Craig Denman

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