I know there was also a hit and run on a female cyclist Saturday morning about 11 am at the round about between Roy and 313.  I'm not sure the extent of her injuries or a description of the vehicle as law enforcement was already on the scene when I happened through the area.

Nathan Berg
F.I.S.T. Certified Tri/TT and Road Race Bike Fitter
F.I.S.T. Equipped Fit Center: EXiT cycling fit bike, Computrainer Resistance Unit, Purely Custom Variable Length Crank.
Pedal/Shoe interface trained by Paul Swift of BikeFit LLC

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Craig Denman via Bike-racers <bike-racers@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
I just saw an article in the Albuq. Journal that says that a cyclist was hit about 7pm (yesterday).

If anyone knows who it was (or other details) could they post here?

Can we start a list of "close call offenders" with the auto description and license when possible?  Would that help?  Or a series of web cams along the road through the canyon?  Signs (more of them) along road to remind drivers to watch for cyclists?

This might be a topic that could have some constructive discussion.

My calls to get the road swept after the winter has mostly gone by without action -- they return my call (or email), but tell me that they only sweep once or so a year.  I have stopped in the canyon to speak with the highway patrol -- they usually have a presence in the canyon -- they have indicated that if I had a license they would look up the vehicle and visit the owner (assuming they live in east mountains) to discuss any accusations with them personally.

Craig Denman

Bike-racers mailing list
