I have 48 bottles picked up in the State Road Race Feed Zone.
They have all been through the dishwasher twice (that doesn't mean they are clean, especially the lids).
They will be at the next 4 Tuesday Night Crits in ABQ July 8, 15, 22, & 29.
They will be at the Sunday Time Trials in ABQ July 20, 27 & Aug 3, 17.
They will be at the Record Challenge Labor Day weekend.
Examples: Sun Adventure Sports (3), Mather (2), various Camel Backs (8), Zia Velo (2), Tour Los Alamos (2), masking tape label "T:W" (3), JBVelo (1), D.Rock Recoverite (1), etc.
They won't be seen again after Labor Day, most likely they will be in the recycle bin. Thanks.


Still Fit to Fight
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