If your name is listed below please email me off the list serve. I need to get your jersey size ASAP. If I have not heard back from you by January 16th I will have no choice but to order what I think you would wear. If you have a teammate that is on this list and you would like to help me please feel free.

Tonia Padilla

Marcus Martinez
Jimmy Day
Alison Allergmin
Lauren Thompson
Valerie Valle
Erin Quinn
Catherine Stailey
Aileen El Kadi
Nancy FDoritn
Javier Hadi
Jonathan Petrillo
Charlie Drysdale
Emile Sfakianos
Jason Welch
Jesse Murillo
Scott Steffan
Randy Brandford
Kyle Johnson
Mason Calvert
Tayne Andrade
Nathan Brokocy
Sarah Lough
Sarah Strum
Amelia Lopez
Morgan Fortin
Antonio Ruiz
