Hello all,

As the new series director of the New Mexico Cyclocross Series, I would like to host a meeting for the gathering of current and prospective race promoters. I want to make sure this offer goes out to everyone, so please pass this on to people you think are interested and may not receive this email.

If you feel you, your team, and/or your business are up to the task of taking cyclocross to the next level this season by promoting an event, please reply directly to me expressing your interest by 7:00 pm Friday July 17th. If you are already part of the current directors list, please simply watch for more information to come.

Once I have a more precise mailing list, I will send out more information and we will beginning figuring out the best time to meet. This meeting will occur within the next two weeks, during the weekdays, after 5pm, and will be held in either Santa Fe or ABQ.

Thank you for your interest, here's to a great season of CX!

David Saenz
Activities Director / Glorieta Camps
281.804.6674 / david@glorieta.org

"Inspiring Christ-like change through outdoor adventure, authentic relationships, and biblical truths"