Hey guys! I just wanted to let you all know that most of the numerous upgrade requests I have received recently have been processed. Please note that 'processed' and 'approved' are not necessarily the same thing. I have 1 request awaiting results being posted to USAC (promoters, please keep in mind that delays in uploading results effects this) and 1 pending more info. Please keep in mind when requesting up or down grades the following:

You can only upgrade 1 category at a time, no matter how much I like you.

You can't generally downgrade back to the lowest category in your discipline. This category is intended for pure beginners, and is not related to fitness or speed.

No matter how wonderful you are (and you are!!) I have to stick to the results and upgrade you when you have earned the points. I know this can be hard in our community, but you will get there!!

Please remember, if your results are not showing on USAC when you request a change, to mention that in the resume section of your request. I will do the research, no matter how complicated it may get. And it believe me, it can be complicated.

Promoters, if you are having trouble getting your results uploaded to USAC, please contact me directly and I will do what I can to get that fixed. Including the racers' license category goes a long way in buttering me up to help you! Also, Scotch, but mostly categories.

With the greatest respect,
Brandi Hibner
NMBRA Upgrade Co-ordinator and Board Member at large.