For those not on the list from Momentum, take a burn thru the article and trailer in the link below.   The tagline at the end of the trailer is thought-provoking,  “If I stop riding, I’m one cyclist less.   I don’t want to be one cyclist less.”    In my case, if I quit riding (90% of which is getting to work and back) due to fear,  it’s not one cyclist.   It’s closer to 6 since then momma and the kiddos won’t be riding to school or work or the store anymore either.  


On a related note, does anybody know the city’s or DOT’s PM for the Paseo del Norte I-25 interchange?   I think my 16-year-old son would love to invite the guy for a ride on the bike path at rush hour to show him the opportunity he missed to make something wonderful for bikes at the north end of ABQ.


