Bike racing is tons of fun for sure and has many side benefits like health and fitness, team camaraderie, social interactions, and the glory of victory (or at least beating your friend) not to mention justification for a new and usually expensive toy.  So how can we assure that high quality, well run and reasonably priced local events happen? One way is to get involved in officiating.  Yes, you  do have to give up a couple races a year, but with almost a 52 week race schedule could you find a couple events to help out with and still be a racer? Of course!

Those of you  with race experience are well positioned to be valuable assets to putting on well run events and can also reduce costs to your team who might be footing the bill for event expenses.

If we can get at least 5 individuals interested right now, Pamela has agreed to organize an officials clinic, sometime in Sept, probably on a Saturday. Please contact her if you or a significant other or friend is interested. She will also have  part of the session dedicated to going over cyclocross rules open to non-officials as well.   Pamala Thullen

“….You either have to be part of the solution or you’re going to be part of the problem.” – Eldridge Cleaver


Happy pedaling
