The only NMES event that was successfully held in 2020 is back on March 6th!  
Courses remain the same as last year.  
There will not be an official group start time, I'd encourage a disbursed roll-out.  
We will still follow state and CDC guidance and keep social distancing and mask up. At a minimum, people should have a face covering they can deploy when they are encountering other people (cycling or hiking) or ride all day with it on. If you feel this is unsafe or there is too much risk, please stay home and don't show up. Also don't be that jerk that screws it up for everyone (a founding principle of the NMES). We will have a suggested start time posted but as I said there will NOT be a large group start.   We will have a sign in sheet at the start and/or Email me a pic/screen shot of your Strava data (Elapsed Time (NOT MOVING TIME, TOTAL TIME), Distance and Elevation) for the ride. This will free you up to start at any time for social distancing.  You, and only you, are responsible for your safety, and snacks.


Nathan Berg
F.I.S.T. Certified Tri/TT and Road Race Bike Fitter
F.I.S.T. Equipped Fit Center: EXiT cycling fit bike, Computrainer Resistance Unit, Purely Custom Variable Length Crank.
Pedal/Shoe interface trained by Paul Swift of BikeFit LLC