Welcome to the 2021 ABQ MM BFL!  Hopefully this is the part of the Gerard Butler movie where we all emerge post apocalypse blinking in the morning light of the new day.

However since we're probably more like ~69% (hopefully) done with the apocalypse there are of course considerations:  
1. There is no formal start time, please do not congregate in large groups.  Wear a mask when around others, including when passing other users in the foothills.  Start whenever you like.
2. There will be no sign-in sheet.  As such there will be no sign-out sheet either (gasp!).  All results will be collected remotely using the form linked below to submit your info.  If you want to be considered for a top 5 in any category you must include a link to a GPS data file, or email me said file.
3. Courses remain identical to last year and can be found here:
4. There will be no neutral water drop available on the 100 mile, either pre-cache your own supply (and plan to pick it up after...) or acquire supplies on route.  Your last convenience store on course will be the Circle K at Unser and Ladera, approximately 53.8 miles in.

With a low temp starting at 7 AM of 36 F climbing into the mid-60s and SSW winds topping out 10-15 MPH this is going to be a perfect day for a fast 100 miler.  

Remember the four Bees of the NMES:
🐝 Safe
🐝 Nice
🐝 Fast
🐝  Nice

See you out there.
Nathan Berg
F.I.S.T. Certified Tri/TT and Road Race Bike Fitter
F.I.S.T. Equipped Fit Center: EXiT cycling fit bike, Computrainer Resistance Unit, Purely Custom Variable Length Crank.
Pedal/Shoe interface trained by Paul Swift of BikeFit LLC