Dear NM cyclists and racers,

It was great to see many of you at the Master's nationals in ABQ. Despite my mechanical across Frost Rd, I enjoyed getting in touch with my NM cycling family/friends.

I am writing to let you know about the status of the Hillsboro race. As I have been planning for Hillsboro to be an exciting event, I have learned about road/bridge construction in and around Hillsboro. The reports I have received indicate that the final approval of the bridges are pending and the road upgrades limit usage. I have been hesitant to put together a race and promote an event that may not be possible. Although the status may change, the continued rain and water runoff have influenced the final processes for the road completion.

Additionally, the continued safety precautions to limit the spread of COVID19 Delta may also have an impact on the potential to offer our event. In speaking with the Hillsboro community members, I have learned about the awareness they are placing on limiting the potential impact of racers arriving in their village.

With the above said, in consultation with fellow ZiaVelo members, I, regrettably, have decided to postpone the Hillsboro road race until March 2022.

I appreciate your patience and look forward to seeing you on the road, soon.

David Rutledge