

I’m Jennifer Buntz from Duke City Wheelmen.  We’re sponsoring a bike swap next weekend and this is your invitation to join us.



Who:   Cyclists of all stripes!!

What: Bicycles and bicycle parts of all sorts, sizes & types

When: Sunday March 20th 8:00 AM seller set-up;

9:00 AM to noon for buyers.

Where: Trek Bicycles Albuquerque, 5000 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque NM

Why:   Because there is Cycling Stuff y’all need & Stuff people want to sell!

WHY: To raise money for Ukraine relief efforts


In addition to individual sellers who will purchase a table for $20.00 dollars, Duke City Wheelmen has many new-in-the-box items for sale.  These are donated items, NEW, that we are selling to raise money for ghost bikes and safe cycling education here in New Mexico (50%) and will split the rest between two groups providing aid to Ukraine.  These groups are:


Ukraine Crisis aid through Global Empowerment Mission


Razom for Ukraine

Razom translates from Ukrainian to English as “Together”. Together for Ukraine



Donations can be made at the swap directly to a Ukraine relief effort and directly targeted to one of the two organizations mentioned above at the donor’s discretion.


If you want to reserve a table, just text or call me, 505-306-1443 or email

Same contact info if you would like more information.

Thanks everyone!