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A ride for our great friend Jim who contributed so much to our cycling community. Gone a year but not forgotten.

Starting at Bosque Brewing on Eubank just south of Spain at 10:00 on Saturday, October 15.

The 14-mile route:  Spain to Tramway, Indian School, Constitution, Pennsylvania and Osuna back to Eubank for a gathering at Bosque Brewing to lift a pint of IPA to honor the memory of Jim.  And maybe stay around for lunch.

A link to the route map:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41190610

Ride mellow. Ride safe. Regroup at Tramway, at the top of Constitution, at Pennsylvania and at Osuna.

Consider making it part of your Saturday ride.

And if you have tandem, consider riding it sans stoker.

With enough participants, I will be able to reserve the back patio at Bosque, which will be available anyway to secure our bikes. 

Hope you can make it.

Chris Jacobsen