***Re-submitting because I used the wrong email address last time***
Hi everyone,
Josh here with DogHouse Racing. We've been the promoters for the Albuquerque Tuesday Night Crits for the last couple of years after taking over for Joey Bacala. As those of you who come to the crits know, we usually race every Tuesday we can at the Balloon Fiesta Park from April to August. Last year we had to take a few more Tuesdays off than usual due to an increase in park activity and rentals. We also have to end the series by August due to the Balloon Fiesta itself renting out the whole park starting in September, right when the heat around 5pm becomes bearable again. Unfortunately for this year we were informed that due to more activities and other events renting out the park that we cannot begin to race there until May 20th. This nearly cuts our racing series in half and is leaving us at a bit of a loss.
The point of my rambling is to ask you all if there are any ideas for alternative racing locations around Albuquerque that we can use for the crits when we cannot race at Balloon Fiesta Park. I know in other parts of the country they do office park crits or the like but we have no relationship with any entities like that. We're considering reaching out to some of the high schools with larger parking lots that may not be heavily used on Tuesday afternoons but there's no guarantee there. We're looking for any and all suggestions so even if you aren't a crit racer, please let us know if you have an idea. You can email us directly at