[Hhsband] 5/3/17 Booster meeting notes and updates

Mary Scofield maryscof at scofie.net
Sun May 7 17:47:17 MDT 2017

Notes from 5/3/17 Band Booster Meeting and Car Wash results

Some of the notes from the meeting were for the Jazz Concert. Ms G and 
Theresa was going to check to see if we could sell herbie tattoos at 
Spring Fling. The car wash – so I’m just going to say that I heard the 
concert was great and to thank all the parents and students who came to 
help wash cars – we made $1076 in 3 hours!!!Also – a huge thanks to 
Jim’s Automotive for hosting us again.Perhaps we can have the band do a 
thank card and sign it for him.

Tuesday 5/9/17 Pops concert for the band and middle school bands with a 
mass band number at the end.Also I believe the steel band is performing. 
Mary will talk to folks about Band Boosters and next year.

Thursday 5/11/17 is the annual Band Banquet the event will start at 6:30,

Ms G and students will be there at 5:30 to decorate. Boosters will be 
providing ice cream and toppings, Mike is bringing root bear and cream 
soda (if anyone wants floats) kids will be asked for brownies, cookies 
etc.Elaine is getting disposable table cloths blue/gold(yellow) and 
white.We need one of the kids (Patrick? Mary?) to inventory bowls, 
spoons, and find the ice cream servers. Mary S is bringing water, ice 
cream, toppings and will need to know if bowls, etc are needed).

Ms G has awards and slide show,

Friday 5/12/17 Mass Band Rehearsal (show on Saturday 5/13/17 at Cliffs)

Del Norte, Valley & Highland will rehearse at Del Norte 3:30 – 5:30 
Students need to let Ms G know if they need transportation, they will go 
right after school.  Parents need to pick up kids at Del Norte at 
7:30pm. Entrance off of San Mateo, just north of Montgomery.

Food is being supplied by Del Norte. Similar to the last two years there 
will be games (tug of war, 3 legged race, human knot, water run and 
baseball bat spin) for an hour or so and then there will be a dye party. 
If you have the game supplies or can help – let Mary know 
(maryscof at scofie.net <mailto:maryscof at scofie.net>).The teams include 
kids from all the bands so that there is interaction. We will also need 
trash bags and mini-cups (2 or 3 oz)

Saturday 5/13/17 Cliff’s Mass Band/Mother’s Day concert

*Head count for food is needed to Cliffs by 5/10/17.*

Cliffs opens at 11 Be there then to get pass/wristband whatever they 
give us to get students in. Mary will check on Director tickets – how 
many. The boosters are subsidizing $5 per kid (kids will pay $10) 
Includes entrance, rides & food. Everyone else pays $15 - again this 
includes entrance rides and food.  Money is due Tuesday - Theresa is 
coming in the AM to help with collecting money.Saturday: Food will be 
served at the pavilion from 11:30 – 12:30. 12:30 we will start set-up 
and warm-up – parents attending it would be great if you could help us. 
1PM concert for about an hour.After the concert all gear must be put 
away (help with the percussion and stands, etc.) before the Cliff’s 
playing starts.If you have clothespins – bring them to help keep music 
on stands.

Kids can stay until Cliff’s closes.

5/20/17 Graduation kids need to be at Tingley at 9am, dress nicely, it 
will be cold inside. Drop off/pick up is at the main gate off of San 
Pedro. I believe parking is on North Side of Far Grounds – Ms G?

Replacements for Boosters -many of our parents will be leaving us after 
school year 2018 – so we are going to try find folks who can shadow 
those positions next year. We definitely need either a Freshman or 
Sophomore parent to be our second at Pageant of Bands. Denise Tomlin is 
the person with the best knowledge of what it entails. Jessica M has 
offered to be 2019 Treasurer and will work with Anne next school year – 
YEAH Jessica!!!

Pageant of Bands – we received a $600 payment for Denise’s and our 
volunteer parents participation!!

Next Year:Thinking ahead

It is likely that we will not get $ for band transport to football 
games. So Ms G will be negotiating what we want travel far? Go close by? 
Be selective.Probably mostly Milne games.

Marching help next year: Ms G would like to continue paying Mason $1000 
for his help and also the new band director at Wilson $1000. With both 
the assistants there at zero hour, Ms G feels OK with her doing color 
guard for another year.

Ms G is still working on what the show would be next year but it always 
means some money for props, costumes, etc.so we want to look at 
fundraiser for the summer.Applebees breakfast, WEcks? Dions?

Band Camp starts 7/24/17. Ms G thinks we may have 70 students (SY 17 we 
had 55)

March-a-thon – 8/26/17 route is changing a little - trying to increase 

Valencia Marching Competition10/14/17*THIS IS DURING FALL BREAK BUT 

POB10/21/17 there will be a program, but the kids will not be selling ads.

Marching Band MPA 10/24/17

Zia – we will not be competing at Zia.Halloween game is October 28 – so 
kids will dress up then.

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