[Hhsband] Fwd: Band Booster Meeting 11.1.17

Dawn Graber dgraber702 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 08:02:54 MST 2017


These are then notes from our band booster meeting last Wednesday.  Thanks
to all who attended!

*Budget discussion:*

Marching band time is the most expensive time of the year.
Doing OK.. Product sales still coming in
Barnes and Noble event coming up in December
Ms. G is buying flags for Color Guard Club

*Honor Band:*

8-10 kids will be participating in Honor Band at Cibola on November 17-19
Concert is on Sunday  Nov 19 at 3:45pm
Boosters drive up to Cibola and take the kids to lunch on Saturday--usually
at Dion's for pizza and brownies

*Twinkle LIght Parade*

December 2nd in Nob Hill
Meet at the band room and get dressed up in barttery operated lights
(available at Walmart or Big Lots)
*Now is the *time to get the lights--they sell out
Save your bag twist ties because they are good to use in connecting lights
to instruments
Parade starts near Highland and ends at Central/Girard
Boosters need to be available to transport kids and instruments back from
the end of the parade route.
(kids report to the band room at 3:45.  Parents drive cars over to Lomas
and Stanford and park the cars.  Parents are driven back to the band room
so that we can march with the kids.  At the end of the parade all the kids
will go to the cars and we drive back to the bandroom)
If you don't have your background check, go to APS.edu and google
background check.  Everyone needs to have a background check before they
can transport kids
Dinner will be provided by the boosters for the kids before the parade.
If you are walking along with the band, all adults must be covered in
lights as well
Boosters--please bring *small pre-packaged candy canes*.  During the march,
the boosters throw the candy out to the parade watchers

*Christmas Performance*

Thursday, Dec 7th at 5:30pm  HHS Cafeteria
Boosters--provide decorations.  Kids come early to decorate the cafeteria
Boosters also provide food for a small fee.  Pizzas are the most popular.
Kids bring desserts and drinks for sale.
Food--Posole, Green Chili Stew, pizza
Mike is contacting Bandelier Jump Rope Team to perform

*Barnes and Nobles Fundraiser*

Barnes and Nobles at Coronado Shopping Center.  Tuesday, December 19th
Ms G organizes duets etc.  Kids will be playing in the library upstairs
Boosters will be staffing a table downstairs where we will give out
vouchers. Customers get a voucher and give to cashier during checkout.
With every voucher HHS Band will get 10% of that purchase.
Drum line will play out front of B and N

*Walker's Popcorn*

Denise is setting up this fundraiser

*New Boosters--What does Booster's look like after football*

Allstate is in January
Jazz Allstate is in February--usually out of town
Ms. G has the basketball schedule up on the website--band plays pep tunes
during the basketball game. *Parents can come, most just drop and pick up
kids *

Mass Band Concert at Cliffs

Band Banquet in May.  Ice Cream Social and band recognition

Band plays Saturday, May 12th at the Fairgrounds for graduation

Officers for next year.  Be thinking about what position you would love to
do--president, vice president.  Jessica will be treasure*r*.  *The Boosters
should rally fund *the listserv and maintain the list (Brian Tankerly may
do this next year).  Will elect officers in May

*Cleaning out and organizing the shed/PAC and changes to the truck.*

There is stuff for Goodwill in the PAC.  Goodwill fundraiser again this
Shed:  build some flag stands to put in the shed.(wood frame with dividers
every 2')
Truck:  put some shelves on the wall behind the drivers seat so that there
is more room for instruments

A special thanks to Melecia whose family collected aluminum cans and
contributes some $80 to the band. *This could be an ongoing fundraiser for
the band*

      Dawn, note-taker for the great Highland High School Band Boosters
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