[Hhsband] POB tomorrow

Mary Scofield maryscof at scofie.net
Fri Oct 20 22:10:38 MDT 2017

Band reports at 8:30 if they want bagels, 9:30 if they don't. Bus leaves 
at 10 - we will need a few drivers to take about 15 kids, mostly 
colorguard.  Will also need cars to drive empty uniform bags to Wilson.  
Come see me to look at the map, if you're arriving later park either on 
chelwood park near the south end of the stadium or in the big lot (not 
the tailgate area) southeast area.

If someone can remind me - I want to get athletic water bottles out of 
the shed.

There is very tight room at the drop off. I can only have cars taking 
colorguard to pull in, but I need some help to get instrument cases out 
of the truck and then empty cases back into the truck at the check-in 
area.  Only colorguard and wind instruments come out at check-in. We 
unload the truck at the same place we do for games &  practice today. 
Try to congregate at the top of the road there (but you must be very 
quiet) - there are volunteers that will tell you when we can go down to 
unload the truck.

See you at POB - the kids are great, the show amazing, our staff 
superior. Come out and scream for the band!!!!!

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