Hello all - here are minutes from Tuesday's meeting.

December 3rd.  Twinkle Light Parade

2:00pm. Kids and parents meet at band room.  Parents help set up spaghetti dinner.  Then all drive down to parking spots near UNM.  This way cars will be near UNM when the band is done marching so that we can easily load up the kids and bring them back to the band room.

2:00-3:30. Kids will meet at band room, eat, warm up and decorate themselves with lights.

3:30. Band lines up for the parade.  Possibly some parents will go at 3:30 to check in for the band so that the band doesn’t get so cold waiting for the parade to start.

5:15 parade steps off.  Highland Marching Band is 7th in the line-up.  Since band is early in the line-up, the parade time will be around 1-1.5 hours.  When they reach UNM, kids will load up in cars and drive back to the band room.

Mike, Mary and Tim will provide spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and hot beverages for the kids and parents that volunteer.


All parents that are accompanying the kids on the march need to be dressed in lights as well.

What to have your kids bring:  lights (enough to string around themselves and their instruments), safety pins to attach the lights to their clothing, twist ties to attach lights to instruments, santa hats or any other holiday hat attire.  They should be completely lit up with as much holiday attire as they can layer on themselves.  Remember it is going to be really cold on Saturday so make sure they are dressed warmly!


December 8.  Thursday.  Winter Concert—HHS cafeteria at 6pm

5:00pm. Kids come to the cafeteria to help move all the tables and decorate the cafeteria.  Elaine will bring tablecloths.  We need someone to bring green crepe paper (let Mary know if you can do this)

5:00pm. Parents bring the food and help set up the food area.  If you are bringing anything that needs to be warm, make sure that you bring it warm already.  Not enough time to warm things up. 

Food will be for sale.  This isn’t a fundraiser—food will be priced so that we can pay for the food, but not necessarily make a profit from it. People will buy tickets at a separate table.  Each station will have a sign above stating how many tickets are needed to buy food.


               Nachos-Mary and Tim

               Pizza- Teresa

               Green Chile Stew—Melecia and Frank

What kids need to bring:  desserts and drinks, holiday decorations for the cafeteria.


We will have the 50/50 raffle.  Mary will bring the tickets for this.  Each ticket will be $1.00.  The winner will be picked at the end of the night.  Whoever wins will win 50% of the ticket sales.  The band boosters will get the other 50%.  Winner need not be present to win. 


Update on Band Trip.  March 31-April 2.  Durango. CO

Contracts for the hotel and bus are in place.  Bus will be paid for through Ms G’s Activities Funds.  Hotel will be paid for by Boosters