Hello League members-
We hope you are safe and healthy during this long summer. We will have a unit meeting at noon on July 9 for all members who are willing to join us on Zoom. We will have a panel of speakers to talk about the decisions made at the U.S. League of Women Voters virtual convention this week. That will be a great way to catch up with our national agenda and to start thinking about where we fit in the national priorities.
We also wanted to share a new study of our primary election problems that has just been released by the UNM School of Social Policy. It looks and what went wrong during the primary and suggests changes that might be made during the next legislative session in January. It points out specific problems in Sandoval County with allowing tribal members to vote and a possible solution. It also suggests a solution for everyone who didn’t get their absentee ballot back to the Bernalillo County Clerk in time for it to be counted.
League members are active currently on the Voter Guide. We are preparing questions for the candidate for November and Mary Wilson at t3wilson@aol.com is looking for volunteers to help call candidates and work on ballot and bond questions and the informational section on how people can vote in November. This is all work that can be done virtually to protect those who are still social distancing. We will do an online and printed version of the Voter Guide for the November election.
We hope to see you soon, even if it is only on Zoom. I’ll send out the invitation closer to the meeting.
Karen Wentworth
Co-President, LWVCNM