---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Meredith Machen <mermachen@cybermesa.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 4:51 PM
Subject: NM'Centennial Celebrations events
To: Jeanne Logsdon <jlogsdon@unm.edu>, Sonia Lersten <sonialersten@yahoo.com>, <gege@gegewinton.com>, <mesmithford1416@gmail.com>, Carol Tucker Trelease <caroltt@aol.com>, Judith Binder <bjudy@unm.edu>, <jan_str@msn.com>, <skswede@gmail.com>, Sharon Moynahan <smoynaha@unm.edu>, <mcdowelltwyla7@icloud.com>, <apbenning@hotmail.com>, <benjaminmackey65@gmail.com>, <jkblair@swcp.com>, <t3wilson@aol.com>, Diane Goldfarb <dgoldfarb1@comcast.net>, <lindseyritscher@gmail.com>, <lmdesaul@aol.com>, Mary Mulvany <mmulv@comcast.net>, Rachel Lund <rachel.t.lund@gmail.com>, Denise Blood <dc1jacobs@yahoo.com>, Crisis Letherer <crissihl@gmail.com>, <kimmel.linda9@gmail.com>, <rfc.2010@hotmail.com>, Cc: Karen Wentworth <kwentworth17@comcast.net>, Vivian Skadron <vskadron@gmail.com>, atarghetta <atarghetta@comcast.net>, Donna <djrigano@swcp.com>, Sandra West <sawest.aka.sandra@gmail.com>, <janbann@comcast.net>, <sprichardson@comcast.net>
Cc: Karen Douglas <ug90t16@unmalumni.com>, Karen McDaniel Wentworth <KWentworth17@comcast.net>, Martinez, Valerie, DCA <Valerie.Martinez@state.nm.us>, Michelle Quisenberry <micaela@nmhum.org>, Kenn Watt <programs@nmhum.org>, Leaders <leaders@lwvnm.org>

Thank you, LWVCNM, for your magnificent work on the women’s vote centennial and getting out the vote!

We had 72 cars in the Santa Fe Suffrage Centennial Car Parade today including several state and local officials.


Congrats on your terrific ad. I will share it along with Karen Douglas’s letter to the editor about NM’s history with the National Women’s History Alliance.


Note in their weekly Centennial Update attached that LWVCNM is listed as a resource for info along with LWVNM, the National Hispanic Cultural Center, and NM Humanities Council.


Please also note that there is a link to LWVNM elections information on https://www.cabq.gov/culturalservices/the-womens-vote



Meredith Machen

League of Women Voters of New Mexico                                            

505-577-6337 c




Empowering Voters - Defending Democracy



From: Jeanne Logsdon [mailto:jlogsdon@unm.edu]
: Sunday, August 23, 2020 11:16 AM
To: Sonia Lersten; gege@gegewinton.com; mesmithford1416@gmail.com; Carol Tucker Trelease; Judith Binder; jan_str@msn.com; skswede@gmail.com; Sharon Moynahan; mcdowelltwyla7@icloud.com; apbenning@hotmail.com; benjaminmackey65@gmail.com; jkblair@swcp.com; t3wilson@aol.com; 'Diane Goldfarb'; lindseyritscher@gmail.com; lmdesaul@aol.com; 'Mary Mulvany'; Rachel Lund; Meredith Machen; Denise Blood; Crisis Letherer; kimmel.linda9@gmail.com; rfc.2010@hotmail.com; Cc: Karen Wentworth; Vivian Skadron; atarghetta; Donna; Sandra West; janbann@comcast.net; sprichardson@comcast.net
Cc: Karen Douglas; Karen McDaniel Wentworth
Subject: Albq ad and other local Centennial Celebrations events


In case you missed it, I am attaching a copy of the LWVCNM ad that appeared in the Albuquerque Journal this morning on p. A9. The ad is a half- page so the attachment is not to scale. It is easier to read the timeline events in the paper. We weren’t able to find headlines or an article from an August 1920 Journal edition so the Journal put in some stock suffrage photos. I hope you like the ad.


Reminders about other events this week:


Ø  Sunday (today) – Suffrage car parade from 2 to 3 in Santa Fe, sponsored by LWVSF.

Directions: Meet in PERA parking lot across from Capitol before 2 pm sharp. Proceed north on Santa Fe Trail toward Plaza. Take right on San Francisco, left on Cathedral Place, left on Palace, right on Washington St, left on Marcy, passing City Hall, left at Federal Court Building, left on Grant Ave passing Santa Fe County Headquarters on right (Grant and Catron) and Nina Otero-Warren’s House at 135 Grant. Honk twice and then wend your way back home.

Ø  Sunday (today) – Presentation by Dr. Sylvia Ramos Cruz sponsored by the Albuquerque Historical Society at 2 pm


“They Won the Vote! : Suffrage and Suffragists in New Mexico”


On Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 2:00 pm, Dr. Sylvia Ramos Cruz, will give a presentation on the campaign for woman suffrage in New Mexico which is rich and deep. But, as with other aspects of women’s lives, most of their stories—political, economic, social—are not found in history books. They are still being unearthed in family lore, memoirs, songs, newspapers, and a few precious, oft-quoted scholarly works. Read More. The presentation will be live-streamed on the Albuquerque Historical Society’s Facebook Page.



Ø  Wednesday – Virtual celebration of the women’s vote centennial/ratification of the 19th Amendment, 4-7 pm on GOV TV, Ch. 16


The celebration will create a tapestry of women standing together, showing the strength and power of their vote. An 18-year-old woman from each of NM’s counties will speak the first year they are permitted to vote along with a woman from each of the 50 states and D.C. briefly stating why they vote. One Native American, one Black, one Hispanic, and one White woman will share their history about the struggle to vote accompanied by songs from those cultures. Other performance pieces will honor the women’s vote. The program includes brief remarks by some NM women leaders--including Governor Lujan Grisham, SOS Toulouse Oliver, Supreme Court Justice Nakamura, Congresswomen Deb Haaland and Xochitl Torres Small. A new program that will help survivors of domestic violence access low interest loans will be launched. Martha Burk will speak on Economics, Women and the Power of Voting, and Olivia Friedman will read excerpts from her book  2020 and Beyond, The Next Steps for Women


Links to Join the Event:  




Yours in celebration,

Jeanne (Logsdon)

LWVCNM Centennial Celebrations Committee

Karen M. Douglas
3rd Vice President/Program
League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico (LWVCNM)