The Thursday, September 10, Noon Unit meeting via Zoom is with Jaime Diaz, Deputy County Clerk, Bernalillo County. Mr. Diaz will speak about  several technical procedures including absentee voting, as well as challenges the County is facing in the current voting climate. He will also be available to answer your election questions.


Mr. Diaz began his career in the election field in 1985 in McKinley County, moving to Bernalillo County in 1998 and retiring in 2010. In both counties, his position was Bureau of Election Administrator.  Mr. Diaz has administered elections through four voting systems, with the current system being the Dominion Voting System. Diaz has administered election through three Voter Registration systems, with the current system being SERVIS. He came out of retirement in 2017 to assist County Clerk Linda Stover in her terms.  Diaz is currently one of the County Clerks appointed Deputy County Clerks, concentrating on the administration of Voter Registration and Election Administration.


Here is your Zoom invitation.


LWVNM is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: LWVCNM September Unit Meeting

Time: Sep 10, 2020 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 856 0579 6707

Passcode: 560396

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Meeting ID: 856 0579 6707

Passcode: 560396

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On Saturday, August 29, a productive calendar planning meeting was held to sketch out a road map for October 2020-September 2021 meetings. We would like to thank everyone who participated.  A draft of the general topics, meeting coordinators, and brief descriptions is attached.



Karen Wentworth

Co-President, LWVCNM

(505) 263-9066