League members will set a great gas saving example at our Zoom meeting with Kelsey Rader, Albuquerque’s first Sustainability Officer at noon on Thursday, April 8.
Kelsey is leading city efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for changing climate conditions. Over the last several years, she has had the opportunity to work with many New Mexico-based organizations and agencies on some of the leading topics in energy, water, agriculture and wildlife conservation. Kelsey Rader graduated from University of New Mexico School of Law with a certificate in environmental and natural resources law. Prior to her role at the City, Kelsey was the Natural Resources Policy Director for New Mexico First, a nonpartisan policy nonprofit. Kelsey al-so currently serves as a commissioner on the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission.
Learn about the ways we can work to make our city more sustainable as we grow. Here is your Zoom invitation.
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Meeting ID: 811 0911 7527
Passcode: 186082
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Karen Wentworth
Co-President, LWVCNM
(505) 263-9066
Karen Douglas
Co-President, LWVCNM