Climate Contacts,
Welcome! You have agreed to be the LWVUS Climate Interest Group (CIG) contact for your state! Your primary role is to make sure your state and local Leagues are aware of what the Climate Interest Group provides.
The CIG is a resource for climate information on many topics. See our main webpage with links to the ten issue teams here. Please let your local, regional and state Leagues know what is available. Also, we will be hosting webinars on what the CIG provides in the near future and will let you know.We hope you will use the information and join us in our work!
In future, we will contact you approximately once a month with updated information. Also, please contact us to inform us of the current climate issues and action efforts in your city, county and state. If we can help with information or support, please let us know.
Who We Are
To advance League action on climate change, the LWVUS Climate Interest Group (CIG) was formed in 2020. It is a nationwide collaboration of League working together to fight climate change. Our goal is to provide science-based, vetted information on climate to all Leagues to help in their education and advocacy.
Join us! Use the information on our webpages! Let us know what climate issues you are working on, and how we can help!
For a cleaner climate!
The Climate Interest Group