LWVCNM Members,
Please join us for our October Lunch and Learn meeting on Thursday October 12th at noon. The October topic is the first of a two part series concerning elections. The meeting title is a General Overview of upcoming elections and the major issues facing the electorate. As an added bonus Angela Sims, Chief Strategy, CNM will discuss the CNM GO Bond question on the November ballot. Her presentation will follow Dr. Krebs' presentation. The meeting will be both in person and on zoom. Zoom invitation follows the meeting description.
Our October speaker, Dr. Timothy Krebs, is a professor of Political Science at the University of New Mexico. His research focuses on urban elections and policy, and he teaches courses in state and urban policy, campaigns and elections, and state politics. Dr. Krebs will discuss the importance of the upcoming municipal elections.
Dr. Krebs earned his B.A. at Loyola Marymount University and M.A. and Ph.D. at Loyola University Chicago. In addition to research and teaching, Dr. Krebs has held administrative and service positions including seven years as Chair of the UNM Department of Political Science. He currently serves as the Political Science Department’s Internship Coordinator. Dr. Krebs is co-author of Understanding Urban Politics: Institutions, Representation, and Policies, and he has published over two dozen peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on women and local politics, city council representation, urban elections and campaigns, and institutional reform in state government. He received the Thornburg Foundation Good Government Reform Grant in Fall 2019 and Best Dissertation Award, given by the Urban Politics Section of the American Political Science Association. Dr. Krebs is the father of two wonderful teenagers, and a huge Dodgers fan!
The October Program meeting will also include a brief update on a General Obligation (GO) Bond issue on the November ballot from Olivia Padilla-Jackson VP of Finance and Operations from Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). Ms. Padilla-Jackson will provide an update on CNM and will provide election details. She will be available to answer any questions regarding CNM or the GO Bond election.
In Person Location - 6739 Academy Rd. NE 87109 Garden Level Conference Room
In Person RSVP appreciated: lunch@lwvcnm.org or 505-881-8441
Zoom Invitation
LWVCNM is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Overview of Upcoming Elections and Major Issues
Time: Oct 12, 2023 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 9488 2837
Passcode: 380178
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Meeting ID: 864 9488 2837
Passcode: 380178
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League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
6739 Academy Rd. NE, Suite 124
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109