Dear LWVCNM Members,

This is a reminder to please join us for our Annual Meeting on Saturday April 20, 2024, at the Marriott Uptown, 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE. Registration begins at 9:30am. We are honored to have UNM Regent Paula Tackett as our guest speaker. The buffet brunch will begin at the conclusion of our business meeting and costs $30 for members and $35 for guests.  

You should have received your printed copy of the newsletter in the mail. Please bring your printed newsletter to the meeting as a reference. There are several items on the agenda that require member approval. This is your opportunity to reconnect with and meet other LWVCNM members and address the Board. 

Please RSVP on or before April 15th.  There are multiple ways to RSVP.  Call the office 505 884-8441 and leave a message, send an email to, or register and pay online at Admittedly the online payment capability has been a bit flaky for some reason.  We will accept credit card payments, checks, and cash at the meeting.  If you have not renewed your membership for the 2023-2024 year, you can renew at the meeting. Remember, only members will be allowed to vote. 

We look forward to seeing you in person at the meeting. Your continued membership, involvement, and guidance is essential to achieving our goals and preserving democracy.

In League, LWVCNM Board of Directors

League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
6739 Academy Rd. NE  Suite 124
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-3352