May 7th is the first day of early voting for the June 4th primary. LWVCNM has worked with LWVNM to publish a state-wide on-line Voter Guide for the election, using the platform. On the site voters can enter their address and get accurate, unbiased information about:

  • voter registration
  • voting information
  • what's on their ballot
  • what candidates have to say 

The League of Women Voters of Central NM website contains election information and links to the guide. Any voter in New Mexico can find information about the candidates by logging on to or typing Central New Mexico Voter Guide into your search engine.  This year it is particularly important to check the voter guide because district lines have changed for the U.S. House of Representatives, the NM Senate and NM House of Representatives and county commission races. Your districts may have changed.

We have attached copies of a LWVCNM voter guide flyer (both full page, and quarter page) for the public as well as a news release with more details about the guide. We encourage you to share this information with your families, organizations, facilities, and communities. We are looking to publicize the guide in any way possible. If you have social media accounts or belong to a neighborhood association, we would appreciate your help in providing information to your contacts. We have flyers and table tent cards

(4.25 x 5.5 inches assembled) available for those of you who would be willing/able to distribute them to sites in the community.




The online guide will be updated for the fall general election. We will also print the Voter Guide as we have in the past, so we will need more help in the months to come.


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Thanks again,

League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
