Dear Members,

This is a reminder to please join us tomorrow for our final educational meeting of the year Thursday, December 12th at noon. The meeting is hybrid; both in person in our conference room, 6739 Academy Rd NE, and via Zoom. Our topic this month is Beyond Detention Walls: Understanding Immigrant Detention in New Mexico presented by the Dignity Not Detention Coalition of New Mexico. Our Speakers are Sophia Genovese, Managing Attorney for the Asylum and Detention Programs and Alondra Reyes, Policy and Partnerships Manager: New Mexico Immigrant Law 

With over 200 ICE facilities across the country, the United States has the largest immigration detention system in the world. The U.S. immigration system often results in the detention of those apprehended by Customs and Border Protection or Immigration and Customs Enforcement as they 
await removal proceedings. Over time, this system has expanded and incorporated harsher measures, resulting in the growth of the detained population in ICE custody.

New Mexico has three Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities, including Cibola County Correctional Center (Cibola), 
Torrance County Detention Facility (Torrance), and Otero Processing Center (Otero). These three facilities negatively impact not just those detained 
but our entire community by profiting off of the dehumanization of non-citizens. Previously and currently detained non-citizens from all three facilities have expressed suffering and/or witnessing excessive use of force and inadequate subsequent care, sexual abuse and assault, use of solitary confinement, lack of medical and mental health care, lack of access to legal information and resources, and other inhumane treatment. New Mexico has witnessed deaths caused by medical neglect and suicides due to these conditions.

The Dignity Not Detention Coalition in New Mexico is actively working towards joining other states like California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington, in the passing of the Dignity Not Detention Act, an intergovernmental services agreement ban aimed to prohibit public entities from entering into contracts to detain people for civil immigration violations. Our ultimate goal in passing this bill is for the New 
Mexico legislators to attempt to build a more humane immigration system and turn away from destructive economies harming all residents.

Whether you’re an activist, ally, or simply curious about the detaining of non-citizens, we encourage you to join us for this enlightening discussion. 
Let’s stand together to protect our rights, promote equality, and build a more inclusive society for all.


Our speakers’ biographies:


Sophia Genovese (she/hers/her)

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC)- Managing Attorney for the Asylum and Detention Programs

Sophia Genovese is the Managing Attorney for the asylum and detention programs at the New Mexico Immigrant Law Center. Sophia is also the legal expert for 

the Dignity Not Detention bill at the New Mexico State Legislature which, if passed, would prohibit state public entities from participating in the civil immigration 

detention of asylum seekers in New Mexico. Prior to joining NMILC, Sophia founded a pro bono detention representation program in New York State, focusing her 

practice on the intersection of law and organizing. Before that, she was a Staff Attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center, providing direct representation to 

detained immigrants in rural Georgia. Sophia is a frequent speaker and lecturer on detention representation, border policies, and community lawyering. She graduated f

rom Brooklyn Law School in the 2-year accelerated JD program, and summa cum laude from Whittier College.

Alondra Reyes (she/hers/her)

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center (NMILC) - Policy and Partnerships Manager

As a proud first-generation Mexican American, Alondra has been and continues to work in direct legal services and community-led advocacy fighting for immigrant 

rights. She began at the NMILC in 2021 after interning her senior year of college. She has worked in various capacities and departments within the organization and 

now is focused on passing and educating community members on pro-immigrant policies. Currently, Alondra is focused on the passing of the Dignity Not Detention 

Act, aimed to stop the detaining of immigrants in New Mexico.

Alondra graduated cum laude from the University of New Mexico in 2021 with a double Bachelor’s in Spanish and Psychology. She previously worked as a UNM 

Service Corp Researcher for PB&J Family Services, where she led research aimed to understand the relationship between familial poverty, incarceration, and/or 

addiction on pre-school students’ access to and success in academia. She also worked at the Bernalillo County Youth Services Center as a UNM Service 

Corps Journalist, focused on leading education and research on creating and maintaining alternatives to detention through supervision programs that promote 

education, healthy lifestyles, and positive choices for youth.

Additionally, she was also heavily involved in research focused on the healthcare and education experiences of Latinx in the U.S. Lastly, she was also a Research

Institute for Students of Equity Fellow (RISE) at the North Carolina Central University where she focused on pursuing research on how Latinx and Black, female-

identifying individuals utilize their cultural capital to succeed in higher education. Alondra is committed to uplifting her community through community-led advocacy.

Zoom Invitation
LWVCNM is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Immigration - Beyond Detention Walls
Time: Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Passcode: 212729

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Passcode: 212729

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League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico
6739 Academy Rd. NE  Suite 124
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109-3352