[Neighbors] Fwd: Weekly E-News

Greg Weirs via Neighbors_nobhill-nm neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com
Mon Jul 29 13:49:30 MDT 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Vanessa Baca, Neighborhood Communication Liaison <vanessabaca at cabq.gov
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Weekly E-News
To: <vgweirs at gmail.com>

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Weekly E-News
Monday, July 29, 2019
*Lemonade With a Cop at Safari Grill in Nob Hill!*
Join the officers of the Southeast Area Command this Wednesday, July 31 for
Lemonade with a Cop! Enjoy a refreshing beverage and share concerns with
the officers at Safari Grill, 3001 Central NE
(Central and Dartmouth) from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Contact the Southeast
Area Command at:  (505) 256-2050 with questions.
*"Neighborhoods at a Crossroads" Video Presentation Showcases Neighborhood
GOV TV filmmakers Tony DellaFlora and Charles "Bazz" McClain for an
exclusive showing of their video series "Neighborhood at a Crossroads" on
Saturday, August 10 at 10:30 a.m., Special Collections Library at Central
and Edith. This video series showcases how the series is crafted and
focuses on individual Albuquerque neighborhoods and their unique
characteristics. To learn more, visit:
*It's That Time Again! Back to School Reminders*
to school is nearly here! Both Albuquerque Public Schools and CNM start
on Monday, August 12, and UNM kicks off the semester a week later on
Monday, August 19. With so many students out and about, it's important to
keep an eye out for kids getting on and off school buses and crossing busy
streets, slow down when driving in school zones, and remember there will be
extra traffic around all schools, including UNM and CNM campuses. Help
everyone get back to school safely! For student tips and resources, visit:
*Neighborhood Association Meetings Around Town*

   - Cottonwood Trails HOA, Monday, July 29 at 6:30 p.m., HOAMCO Offices.
   E-mail: jholt at hoamco.com for more information.
   - Historic Old Town Property Owners, Wednesday, July 31 at 3:30 p.m.,
   Old Town Substation. E-mail: historicoldtown at gmail.com for more
   - Silver Platinum Downtown, Thursday, August 1 at 5:30 p.m., Imperial
   Building. E-mail: rc at silverplainumdowntown.org
   <rc at silverplatinumdowntown.org> for more information.
   - Raynolds Addition, Thursday, August 1 at 7:00 p.m., Washington Middle
   School. E-mail: silverlopez at aol.com for more information.

*Fact Checking Information in the Era of "Fake News"*
this day and age of non-stop information from endless sources, it’s
important to know what is real and factual, what is an opinion or a belief,
what is an honest mistake, and what is completely made up and fictitious.
Below are some ideas on how to determine what information is true and what
is not.

   - Who or what is the source of the information, what are its
   credentials, and is this source an authority?
   - Who is the intended audience and is it a specific group?
   - Can the accuracy of the information be corroborated? Is the
   information accurate, or is it slanted in one direction or another?
   - Does the article that shares this information use balanced, calm
   language or sensational, dramatic language?
   - Is the information current?
   - Can you find more information about the article or subject by doing
   your own research?
   - Have the photos or graphics associated with the article or subject
   been altered or faked in any way? Here’s a helpful article
   on spotting image manipulation.
   - When you do open up an article in your web browser, open another empty
   tab and use that second window to look up claims, author credentials and
   organizations that are referenced in the article.
   - Most importantly, ensure that what you are sharing or passing along is
   verifiable and accurate before you post.

There are many resources for fact-checking and verifying information
accuracy online. Our very own Albuquerque Bernalillo County Public Library
offers a great resource for further research at:

*Save the Date for National Night Out Next Week
your neighborhood or block having an event for National Night Out on
Tuesday, August 6? Don’t forget to register, so you can be part of this
great nationwide neighborhood safety event! To download a flyer you can use
for your event, to sign up, and for additional information, visit:
And if you take photos of your event and upload to Facebook, Twitter or
Instagram, make sure and use the following hashtags: #nno,
#nationalnightout, and #abqneighborhoods
*Scissors and Markers and Pens, Oh My! *
Department of Family and Community Services is sponsoring a school supply
donation drive. Donations are being accepted at all City Community Centers
until Wednesday, August 7. All items received will be dispersed at the 2nd
Annual “Cruzin' into the School Year” event taking place at the Ted
Gallegos (Alamosa) Community Center on August 11, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Our goal is to help with the transition back to school, by taking some of
the financial burden off of families and ensure children are equipped to
learn on the first day of school! For a list of items needed and for more
information about the event, visit cabq.gov/youthconnect
*Needle Pickup Event In Need of Community Volunteers*
<evgonzales at bernco.gov>
Join the Bernalillo County Behavioral Health Services on Wednesday, July
31 at 9:00 a.m. at El Mezquite Market, Central and San Pedro, and be part
of the volunteer efforts to safely pick up and dispose of needles and
syringes. This is a great training opportunity for you if you've been
wanting to do this in your neighborhood. Contact Evan Gonzales at:
evgonzales at bernco.gov to learn more.
*Request Mosquito Spraying through 311*
in a dry climate like Albuquerque, we can have issues with mosquitoes in
the summer. If you’re seeing an influx of them in your neighborhood and
live in either the city or the county, you can request mosquito control
spraying by calling 311. There are also things you can do to limit
mosquitoes, so learn more about controlling these pesky critters at:
*Stay in your Lane! ABQ RIDE Starts Driver Education Campaign in
Preparation for ART Buses on Central Avenue*
forget! ABQ RIDE is training its drivers in the ART buses along Central
Avenue and that means "Stay In Your Lane!" During the training period, the
Albuquerque Police Department will be pulling over drivers who improperly
use the ART lanes and issuing warnings. Citations will be issued to
motorists when the ART training period is over. To learn more about ART and
ABQ RIDE, visit: www.myabqride.com

*Officer Appreciation Day at Northwest Area Command!* <pgelabert at cabq.gov> Come
out to the Northwest Area Command this Friday, August 2 between 7:00 a.m.
and 10:00 a.m. and show your appreciation to our police officers at Officer
Appreciation Day! Refreshments will be served. This is a great opportunity
to say "thank you" to the men and women who protect us and our city each
day. For questions, contact Pete Gelabert at: pgelabert at cabq.gov
*ONC Toolbox Offers Resources for Neighborhoods*
your neighborhood association looking to recruit new members, or are you
having trouble keeping members? The ONC's Toolbox offers a wealth of
resources and ideas for membership, including this article on Recruiting
and Retaining Members
Check it out, and don't forget to look at the other online resource we
offer at: www.cabq.gov/neighborhoods/resources

Greg Weirs
505 515 6334 (M)
505 265 9995 (H)
vgweirs at gmail.com
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