[Neighbors] FW: CABQ Nob Hill Facilitated NA Meeting Report - Public House ABQ/High & Dry Brewing Meeting of 7/1/21 5:30-7:30pm

Gary Eyster meyster1 at me.com
Mon Jul 5 10:50:15 MDT 2021

Nob Hill Friends and Neighbors.


As announced on this email list our association participated in a facilitated meeting with the applicant and their agent on this request last week. 

Facilitators Jocelyn Torres and Philip Crump have provided the final report on our meeting. They provide guidelines below if anyone wishes to amend or clarify the report. Feel free to share this report. Feel free to continue the dialog at neighbors at NobHill-NM.com <mailto:neighbors at NobHill-NM.com> 


If the Zoning Hearing Examiner schedules this request for his August 17 hearing the NHNA board of directors will consider a position at its August meeting, currently scheduled for August 5. All are encouraged to weigh in before then or at that time.


I am asking the applicant to address community concerns in a meaningful way and to present those at a second facilitated meeting in July to get feedback, especially from immediate neighbors. Among concerns were to secure dedicated parking sufficient that street parking on Hermosa will be minimal and to employ design features so there is no building access from Hermosa Dr. and so activity is limited on the east side of the building. I can’t guarantee this would result in support by our association but it would demonstrate the applicant’s intention to be a good neighbor.


Watch  http://www.nobhill-nm.com/urban-planning/ for updates.




Gary Eyster, President


From: nmlawyer09 at comcast.net [mailto:nmlawyer09 at comcast.net] 
Sent: Saturday, July 3, 2021 10:19 AM
To: 'Michael Vos' <Vos at consensusplanning.com>; david at halflifedigital.com; meyster1 at me.com; 'Patty Willson' <info at willsonstudio.com>; mandy at theremedydayspa.com; nelsonabq at swcp.com; silva_f65 at yahoo.com; 'Philip Crump' <phcrumpsf at gmail.com>; lucylongcares at gmail.com; sehi-smith at att.net; doratos at comcast.net; jillfrawley at yahoo.com; Jim Strozier <cp at consensusplanning.com>; nhna theboard at nobhill-nm.com
Cc: 'Tyson Hummell' <thummell at cabq.gov>
Subject: CABQ Nob Hill Facilitated NA Meeting Report - Public House ABQ/High & Dry Brewing Meeting of 7/1/21 5:30-7:30pm
Importance: High


Hi Everyone,


I have attached the final report regarding the 201 Hermosa NE Facilitated Meeting of 7/1/21.  Please feel free to circulate this report to other interested parties as necessary.


Should you read something in the report that you believe is an inaccurate representation of what was said at the meeting, please refer to the amendment parameters at the bottom of this page.  


If there is any follow up communication, it can be sent directly, or I will facilitate the sharing of any information that I receive. In the interest of good email etiquette, please be considerate in how you reply to all. Please include: “201 Hermosa Facilitated Meeting” and my name: Jocelyn M. Torres, at the top of the form.


Clarification of Amendment Parameters


Reports are distributed to meeting participants, those requesting a report, and city staff at the same time.  In this program, I have limits on how I can utilize people's input in my reports.  These limits are in place to preserve the integrity of my role and of my reports.  My parameters are:


1.  I can never change a report, but...

2.  If a correction is offered on something that occurred at the facilitated meeting, and is reflected in the notes that I have (i.e., I miscommunicated in the report what I have in my notes), I then write an amendment to the report, which goes out to the same people as the report.

3.  If a correction is based strictly on objective fact (e.g., I got the name of a street wrong), I then write an amendment to the report, which goes out to the same people as the report.

4.  If a correction or clarification is offered on something that for some reason is not reflected in my notes or that did not actually occur at the facilitated meeting, I must then request that a letter be written to the City Staff by the person offering the clarification.

5.  If something was said at the meeting but omitted from the report, please send those comments directly to the City Staff listed at the end of the report.


You may let the City know your impression of the meeting and the facilitators by going to one of the following evaluations:
 <https://www.cabq.gov/legal/adr/land-use-facilitation/land-use-facilitation-program-applicant-survey> https://www.cabq.gov/legal/adr/land-use-facilitation/land-use-facilitation-program-applicant-survey
 <https://www.cabq.gov/legal/adr/land-use-facilitation/land-use-facilitation-program-participant-survey> https://www.cabq.gov/legal/adr/land-use-facilitation/land-use-facilitation-program-participant-survey


Philip and I have enjoyed working with you. Thanks so much for participating in this meeting. 




Jocelyn M. Torres 

Attorney, Mediator and Facilitator

505 249-8531






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