[Neighbors] FW: Neighborhood Meeting Request for 201 Hermosa NE

Mary Henrie Smith maryhenrie at msn.com
Thu Jun 24 19:44:55 MDT 2021

I have never weighed in on a plan like this, but I have been moved to do so because of the many comments for and against. My initial concern is where will people park? I don’t see that addressed in the plan. Right now, especially with the 4-story housing complex on the SW corner of Copper and Aliso, people park on both sides of Copper for blocks. Because I cannot see oncoming cars, I’m always fearful of Copper traffic when I try to cross it on Aliso, Solano and Hermosa. Not that it reflects the proposed business, but on-street parking in our neighborhoods is horrendous during Summerfest and Twinkle Light Parade. I live just south of Lomas and have had my driveway blocked by cars whose occupants attend these large events.

However, I am most sympathetic to the concerns expressed by neighbors in the immediate vicinity of the proposed business. Traffic and speeding, increased noise and inconsiderate patrons are to be expected anywhere near a business, but this location seems out of place. As Flora mentioned earlier, when I moved to Nob Hill 38 years ago, I didn’t expect businesses other than along Central, Lomas, Girard, Carlisle and Washington, and I don’t want to see them now within our residential areas.

Aliso NE

From: Neighbors_nobhill-nm <neighbors_nobhill-nm-bounces at mailman.swcp.com> On Behalf Of ronhalbgewachs via Neighbors_nobhill-nm
Sent: June 24, 2021 5:52 PM
To: Gary Eyster <meyster1 at me.com>; Neighbors Nob Hill <neighbors at nobhill-nm.com>; 'TheBoard' <theboard at nobhill-nm.com>
Cc: 'Michael Vos' <Vos at consensusplanning.com>
Subject: Re: [Neighbors] FW: Neighborhood Meeting Request for 201 Hermosa NE

Hello Gary, Board Members, and Neighbors,

I have walked the area of the proposed High and Dry Public House at 201 Hermosa NE and am opposed to this proposal. The old tattoo parlor is not a restaurant. It is not at that location. There are many restaurants nearby on Central, but they are NOT located on Hermosa and Copper. This location is a residence location with single family residences located directly across the street and all the way to Lomas. While I understand the issue with the ugly high cost of leases on Central locations, this is not an alternative!

Ron Halbgewachs
Thank you, friends and neighbors, for the constructive dialog you are engaging in on this request.
Thank you for being constructive and respectful.

It is clear to me that we should seek a facilitated meeting.
Once a meeting is set I would like to flyer the houses up to Grand on Carlisle, Hermosa, and Solano because many are not on this listserve.

I haven’t seen a lot of discussion of a date.
July 1 looks good to me. I would appreciate any input on whether July 1 is good.

#VivaNobHill, Gary

From: Melodie Eyster [mailto:meyster1 at me.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 9:42 AM
To: Neighbors Hill <neighbors at nobhill-nm.com<mailto:neighbors at nobhill-nm.com>>; TheBoard NobHill-NM <theboard at nobhill-nm.com<mailto:theboard at nobhill-nm.com>>
Cc: Michael Vos <vos at consensusplanning.com<mailto:vos at consensusplanning.com>>
Subject: Fwd: Neighborhood Meeting Request for 201 Hermosa NE

Nob hill friends and neighbors, I am forwarding this notice that we just received. I have discussed it with our vice president and we can see benefit in asking for a facilitated meeting with the applicant.
I would ask the community if you agree and do the dates the applicant has offered look OK? Our association would not make a decision at that time but at our board meeting immediately before the ZHE hearing.
Also, we would like to get the word out to those in the nearby residences. That could well involve a flyer because of course they’re not all on this email list.
Please reply to me or to all with your ideas. We will probably try to get together a decision in the next couple days. Kind regards, Gary
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: Michael Vos <Vos at consensusplanning.com<mailto:Vos at consensusplanning.com>>
Date: June 21, 2021 at 7:21:29 PM MDT
To: Gary and Melodie Eyster <meyster1 at me.com<mailto:meyster1 at me.com>>, david at halflifedigital.com<mailto:david at halflifedigital.com>, info at willsonstudio.com<mailto:info at willsonstudio.com>, Mandy Warr <mandy at theremedydayspa.com<mailto:mandy at theremedydayspa.com>>
Cc: Jim Strozier <cp at consensusplanning.com<mailto:cp at consensusplanning.com>>
Subject: Neighborhood Meeting Request for 201 Hermosa NE

Good evening Nob Hill Neighbors,

This email is notice that Consensus Planning is preparing an application for a Conditional Use Approval to be submitted for review by the Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) to allow a “taproom or tasting room” within an MX-L (Mixed-use Low Intensity) zone district.

The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Copper Avenue and Hermosa Drive NE. The Applicant, High and Dry Brewery is excited to propose a public house as their second location in the eastern building on the property, which was most recently used as a tattoo parlor. There is also a restaurant located on the site. Attached are a conceptual site plan and building renderings and additional information about this request. The primary change to the site will be the addition of a patio on the south and east sides of the building.

We would like to submit our application to the ZHE on Tuesday, July 6th for a public hearing on August 17th. To meet this schedule, we are proposing a possible neighborhood meeting to discuss this project with your Associations on either Thursday, July 1st or Monday, July 5th. We hope one of these days works for you. Please let me know which works best. If you determine there is not a need to meet, please also let me know, so we can proceed with our application. We are also happy to present at additional meetings after making our application.

We appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to working with you throughout our application process.

Michael Vos, AICP
302 Eighth Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
phone (505) 764-9801
vos at consensusplanning.com<mailto:vos at consensusplanning.com>

Neighbors_nobhill-nm mailing list
Neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com<mailto:Neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com>
This Message Sent To: ronhalbgewachs at peoplepc.com<mailto:ronhalbgewachs at peoplepc.com>

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