[Neighbors] New liquor establishments

Jim Trump jim at samgt.us
Sat Apr 16 03:57:02 MDT 2022

I agree

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On Apr 15, 2022, at 9:31 PM, Drew Lynde via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <
neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:


Good insight about the anti-pedestrian mindset. I agree.

It really would be a great idea for the churches to utilize their parking
spaces, though I’m yet to see a need to park there when free spaces usually
exist right near there on Silver. I am always happy
 to see people park in front of my house.


Drew Lynde
Solano and Silver/Arlote

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On Apr 15, 2022, at 9:13 PM, Mark McCart via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <
neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

This might be the wrong string of emails, but I need to respond to the
parking string.

In my mind, we don't have a parking problem, we have a walking problem.

How many times have you gone to a big box store and seen someone waiting
and waiting and waiting for someone to pull out of a parking spot closer to
the door when they passed up multiple spots 20 feet behind them?  Lazy
Americans (most of us) don't want to walk any farther than they have to.

I'm too old to go bar hopping on Saturday nights on Central, so can't speak
to the parking situation then.  However, whenever I've driven west on
Silver from Carlisle, there are always numerous street parking spots as
well as multiple spots in the shopping center lot on Silver and the public
lot on the next block west.

We don't need a parking garage costing millions that will be a security
nightmare and lightly occupied much of the time.  What we do need to do is
educate visitors to Nob Hill about where parking does exist.  Better street
signage along Central indicating where parking is located.  Similar signs
in businesses along Central, etc.

Finally, the two churches just south of Central and east of Carlisle have
parking lots that are vacant 90% of the time.  I lived in Chicago for
years.  Churches in congested areas there set up their lots as paid parking
for the 6 days the lots were unused.  Why not do that here as well?  A
win-win for all -- a revenue source for the churches and an additional
supply of parking for the neighborhood.

On Thursday, April 14, 2022, 04:09:39 PM MDT, Scott Snyder via
Neighbors_nobhill-nm <neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Sorry if this isn't the best time or forum to discuss. Just tell me and
I'll stop.

Bob, that's incredibly unfair commentary. Our association works tirelessly
to ensure our little nook of town thrives. I just reviewed the most recent
newsletter and the ratio of articles/information (not ads) is 13-5 in favor
ones that have to do w residents (historic preservation, public safety,
tree canopies, wildlife in your yard) vs businesses (cannabis retail, Lobo
Theatre, Rt 66)

Many of us live smack dab in the vicinity of, maybe even right in the
middle of, a business district. It was here long before most of us moved in
and be here long after. Those businesses are as much our neighbors as

I empathize with your situation and opinions when this new business moves
in. Many of us have lived through similar situations when a business moves
in, expands, creates an outdoor space etc. But to say "...NNHA is not
really about a residential neighborhood anymore but retail business,
developers and those who are here to draw in outsiders for their profit."
is just inaaccurate.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 5:34 PM ronhalbgewachs <ronhalbgewachs at peoplepc.com>

I tried for several years as president of NHNA to get the city to build a
two level parking garage in one of our empty lots.  Could have parking
meters.  The response from the city was that parking garages don't produce
any income for the city!  Well, city streets don't produce income for the
city but they do for shops, businesses, restaurants. Same would be true for
the garage.

Ron Halbgewachs

-----Original Message-----
From: <jaguirre_87106 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Apr 13, 2022 3:56 PM
To: Robert L Anderson <citizen at comcast.net>, Scott Snyder <
scottmsnyder528 at gmail.com>
Cc: Hill Nob <neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com>, Jean Bernstein <
JBernstein at flyingstarcafe.com>
Subject: Re: [Neighbors] New liquor establishments

Thanks Bob.

It’s gonna be interesting.

Residents especially on LC are gonna have to hit this very hard if they
want their safety protected.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/?.src=iOS>

On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 2:01 PM, Robert L Anderson <
citizen at comcast.net> wrote:

One of the things that comes out of this discussion is the contradictions
that exist here.  Times and organizations have changed as Jeanne says.
NNHA is not really about a residential neighborhood anymore but retail
business, developers and those who are here to draw in outsiders for their
profit.  Perhaps a name change of NHNA is in order or another organization
needs to split off representing the residents.  NHNA is an organization
captured by those it is suppose to oversee.

All this talk of parking and attracting outsiders here ignores completely
the problems that exist for those of us long term residents who endure the
crisis that exists with all this traffic using Lead and Coal and the
north/south streets as routes to the Central Ave scene.  As a resident of
the neighborhood this flood of drug and liquor outlets does not improve out
quality of life at all as we endure the endless vehicle crashes, loud
noise, drivers under the influence of something racing back and forth to
and from Central Ave.  A.R.T. just compounded this for RESIDENTS and many
pointed out the impact this would have but were ignored by city planners.
It is obvious A.R.T. was not about solving problems, it was just more
gentrification, face it.  That is where we are now.

Bob Anderson

On Apr 13, 2022, at 1:24 PM, Scott Snyder via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <
neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Thank you so much for your insight. I appreciate hearing from a business
owner, especially non-retail, in the district vs some others including me
who often think we know what's what.

ps - You should offer the fish and chips year round not just during
Lent....just sayin' ;)

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 6:56 PM Jean Bernstein via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <
neighbors_nobhill-nm at mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

As owner of Flying Star I have not weighed in on these licenses for new
establishments because I believe Nob Hill needs new and fresh businesses to
restart itself. But this restart will come at a price.

I have mentioned before and will do so again - the real upcoming issue is
NOT the alcohol served from these kinds of establishments - it is the
You all might remember that in advance of ART being built, the City reduced
parking along our stretch of Central by about 30%. Even the long wished for
crosswalk cost 4 parking spaces.
In addition to the Social House on Bryn Mawr, the new Hi/Dry on Copper, the
Bodega, there is M’Tuccis.  These places will be wildly popular and will
draw from all over the city - at least on the weekends. None of these
businesses are required to provide near enough of the parking they need -
so, have you asked yourselves - where will patrons visiting the
neighborhood park?
Yes, there are about 15 - 20 spaces along Silver south of the shopping
center, but other than that cars must fill up Silver and Copper (which they
do already)and then spill into the side streets where you live.
This was an hot issue long ago - back when Nob Hill was VERY popular (it’s
been a long time) Back then residents became angry at the increased volume
of parkers and were working on having all the streets converted to
restricted zones, or issue permit parking only.
Doing this might solve the residents’ problems some, but without enough
parking, the businesses will not thrive. And, even if everyone from the
‘hood strolls down to patronize these establishments, I can tell you from
my own years of experience that all businesses in Nob Hill must have
broader patronage and support from far beyond the neighborhood. And that
takes cars.
So, in the near future, getting some kind of parking project from the City
to add spaces is, and has always been, a far off dream. In all my years, so
little has been done to benefit the residents and the businesses.
This parking will Please consider working together with the businesses and
your neighbors to create l

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