[Neighbors] News for Hilleños

Gary Eyster meyster1 at me.com
Mon Jul 18 11:54:17 MDT 2022

CABQ eNews forwarded for your interest. 


Events in Nob Hill:


-Today, Monday, July 18, 5-7 pm, Jana Quintero is applying to the Zoning Hearing Examiner for a Conditional Use Approval for an adult use cannabis retail store within 600 ft. of another adult use cannabis retail store at 4012 Central Ave SE. Refer to IDO 4-3(D)(35)(c).  Neighbors are invited to a facilitated meeting with the applicant. 

Meeting link, meet.google.com/jfq-sksv-cit <https://meet.google.com/jfq-sksv-cit?hs=224> 

Join by phone (US) +1 302-440-5219 <tel:+1-302-440-5219%3B735666035%23>  
PIN: 735666035

Download IDO at https://documents.cabq.gov/planning/IDO/2020_IDO_AnnualUpdate/IDO-2020AnnualUpdate-2021-07-16-EffectiveDraft.pdf

Questions email Greg at vgweirs at gmail.com <mailto:vgweirs at gmail.com> 


-This Wednesday, July 20, 1 pm, Nob Hill University ECHO; Presentation: Community Policing Councils. What are they? How can you get involved?

Zoom info at https://www.cabq.gov/echo

Contact ECHO about any public safety issue involving Nob Hill including traffic enforcement. Maria Wolfe 505-917-5559 or 

NobHill-UECHO at cabq.gov <mailto:NobHill-UECHO at cabq.gov>    


-Saturday, July 23, 5:00 pm, Summerfest, Info at http://nobhillmainstreet.org/

*        The event will be from 5-10 p.m. 

*        The event area will be from Girard Blvd. to Washington Blvd. on Central Ave. 

*        There will be 4 stages of entertainment: The main stage is located on Central Ave. and Girard Blvd.; The Wellesley Stage is located on Wellesley Dr.; the NM Jazz Festival Stage is located near Central Ave. and Carlisle Blvd.; and the East Stage at Graceland Dr. and Central Ave.

*        This FREE Summerfest includes event also features The Shops, Kids Activities, Food Trucks, Show Cars, and much more.

*        National headliner Las Cafeteras will take the Main Stage at 8:30 p.m. 

For more information call (505) 768-3556 or visit  <https://www.cabq.gov/artsculture/special-events-festivals> ABQSpecialEvents.com.


-Tuesday, August 2, 6-8 pm, Nob Hilleños are invited to the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association Ice Cream Social at Morningside Park. The social is part of National Night Out, an annual community-building campaign that promotes partnership between police and community along with neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live. Enjoy live music. Perfect for families. We need volunteer scoopers and neighbors to organize activities. To help email Lucille at ltadvisor at yahoo.com <mailto:ltadvisor at yahoo.com> 


-Sunday, September 18, Nob Hill Neighborhood Association Pup Parade. To help email Rahim at rahim.kassam at gmail.com <mailto:rahim.kassam at gmail.com> 




www.NobHill-NM.com <http://www.NobHill-NM.com> 




 <https://mailchi.mp/acbe5f893cef/weekly-enews?e=44d9523a23> View this email in your browser


 Weekly eNews
Monday, July 18, 2022

 <mailto:emoore at cabq.gov> 

Solid Waste Management Hosting Free Fixit Clinic in August


Got household items or small appliances that no longer work? Instead of throwing them out, why not fix them for free? The Solid Waste Management Department (SWM) is hosting a free Fixit Clinic on Saturday, August 13 at Fuse Makerspace, 101 Broadway NE, #3100, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. This event is part of a national initiative and do-it-together activity where people bring their broken household items and learn how to assess, disassemble, and hopefully repair them instead of throwing them away and adding landfills. Coaches and participants are being sought. For more information, contact Emily Moore at:  <mailto:emoore at cabq.gov> emoore at cabq.gov.



National Night Out Event Registration Available Online


National Night Out takes place Tuesday, August 2, 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. This annual event brings together neighbors across the city to host block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts, and various other community events to send a message that our community is fighting back against crime. National Night Out is an excellent opportunity for you and your neighbors to socialize, renew acquaintances, welcome new neighbors, and join fellow citizens in our community's fight against crime. To register your event, visit: <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=8a823c689b&e=44d9523a23>  https://www.cabq.gov/national-night-out. Please note that the Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) is offering to print up two 11x17 posters for each recognized neighborhood association to post in public areas for promoting their NNO event. If your association would like a flyer printed, please e-mail the Word, JPEG or PDF file to Vanessa Baca, ONC Manager, at:  <mailto:vanessabaca at cabq.gov> vanessabaca at cabq.gov.



Bernalillo County Clerk Seeks Poll Workers for Upcoming Election


Have you ever considered working the polls on Election Day? New Mexico's general election is coming up in November, and the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office is seeking poll workers. Serving as a poll official during an election is a rewarding experience. To apply, call 505-468-1291, option 4, or visit:  <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=b0c8e61512&e=44d9523a23> https://www.berncoclerk.gov/poll-workers/become-an-election-board-official/ 


 <mailto:mwolfe at cabq.gov> 

UNM-Nob Hill Public Safety ECHO This Wednesday


You are invited to attend this week's UNM-Nob Hill Public Safety ECHO on Wednesday, July 20, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

VIDEO CONFERENCE IN (computer or smart phone)  <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=342cab6bfe&e=44d9523a23> cabq.gov/nobhill-uecho
OR    <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=637734e6c5&e=44d9523a23> https://zoom.us/  Meeting ID: 505-662-4455 Password: NobHill-U
Phone in: dial 1 253 215 8782 or 1-346-248-7799
Enter the meeting ID: 5056624455# - then hit # again

There will be a didactic presentation on Community Policing Councils –
What do they do and how can you participate, given by Kelly Mensah,
Community Policing Council Liaison. To learn more, contact Maria Wolfe at:  <mailto:mwolfe at cabq.gov> mwolfe at cabq.gov.



Water Utility Authority Wants To Come To Your Neighborhood Meeting!


The Water Authority is currently offering free informational presentations to local neighborhood associations on current water rebates. These rebates can help your neighborhood be more efficient with their outdoor water use and reduce water waste. For additional information and invite us to your next neighborhood association meeting, please contact Denise Rumley at 505-289-3156 or at:  <mailto:drumley at abcwua.org> drumley at abcwua.org.



Volunteers Needed for San Antonio Oxbow Bluff Open Space Clean Up


The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking volunteers for a clean-up and weed pulling event at the San Antonio Oxbow Bluffs Open Space this Friday, July 22 at 9:00 a.m. Trash bags, grabbers, tools and gloves will be provided to all volunteers. Please wear appropriate clothing and walking shoes, bring some water, and wear sunscreen! For more information, visit: <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=5c4b74896b&e=44d9523a23>  https://www.cabq.gov/parksandrecreation/events/san-antonio-oxbow-bluffs-volunteer-clean-up


Pet Safety During Hot Summer Months


The Animal Welfare Department reminds residents to take extra care with your pets during the hot summer months. With unseasonably high temperatures hitting or topping 100 degrees, the extreme heat can pose a danger to pets. Below are reminders from the Humane Society of the United States on ways to protect your pet:

*	Never leave your pets in a parked car. On a warm day, temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within ten minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees.
*	Shade and water are must. Anytime your pet is outside, make sure he or she has protection from heat and sun (a doghouse alone does not provide relief from heat) and plenty of fresh, cool water. Heat stroke can be fatal for pets.
*	Avoid walking on asphalt. Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet’s paws.
*	Limit exercise on hot days. Take care when exercising your pet. Adjust the intensity and duration of exercise in accordance with the temperature. On very hot days, limit exercise to early morning or evening hours.
*	Recognize the signs of heatstroke. Some signs of heatstroke are: heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness.

If your pet shows symptoms of heatstroke, take steps immediately to gradually lower his or her body temperature and contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Move them into shade or an air-conditioned area, and apply ice packs or cold towels to your pet's head, neck and chest. Let them drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. For more information about pet safety during the summer, visit:  <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=93d28103bc&e=44d9523a23> https://www.cabq.gov/pets/news/current-news 



Free Legal Expungement Teleclinic Hosted by 2nd Judicial District in August


The 2nd Judicial District Court and New Mexico Legal Aid are hosting a free Legal Expungement Teleclinic on Thursday, August 18 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Teleclinic will provide the opportunity to speak with an attorney about the process of having a criminal record expunged.
The New Mexico Criminal Records Expungement Act went into effect in January 2020, allowing qualifying individuals to petition a court for expungement of a number of criminal and related public records. Having such records expunged can clear roadblocks that people have encountered in getting jobs, securing housing or other vital areas of life.
Attorneys responding to calls at the Teleclinic will be able to tell you if the specific charge on your record is eligible for expungement. Preregistration is required to attend the Teleclinic, and applications are being accepted through July 31. To apply online, visit:  <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=7fa9bad925&e=44d9523a23> https://www.cognitoforms.com/NewMexicoLegalAid1/AUGUST182022EXPUNGEMENTTELECLINICAPPLICATION.


 <mailto:lkuehn at cabq.gov> 

VIN Etching Event at Coors and Central on Saturday, July 30


The Auto Theft Division of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) is hosting a free VIN etching event on Saturday, July 30 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., in the parking lot at 11 Coors Blvd. NW. VIN etching is a proven method to help protect your vehicle from auto theft, so the public is encouraged to come out and get their VIN etched on their vehicles. The Southwest Area Command Problem Response Team will also have the APD Lowrider on display as well! To learn more, contact Laura Kuehn at:  <mailto:lkuehn at cabq.gov> lkuehn at cabq.gov.


 <mailto:onc at cabq.gov> 

Neighborhood Groups Encouraged To Develop Information Sharing Processes


The Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC) was contacted recently by a neighborhood association that had fallen victim to “single point failure,” in which they lost access to important information about membership and financial access due to there being only one individual having access to this information. The ONC strongly encourages all of our neighborhood associations and coalitions to have a clear and specific process within your bylaws that allows for information sharing with more than one individual, and that clearly defines financial processes and specifies more than one individual having access to banking information or e-mail information. Unfortunately, when only one individual has access to information that affects a larger neighborhood group, information can get lost if something happens to that individual and information cannot be accessed with other members. If you have an association website, association-specific e-mail addresses, or association banking information, you should consider establishing processes for sharing and accessing that information by others within your organization, so that “single point failure” does not happen. Please contact our office at:  <mailto:onc at cabq.gov> onc at cabq.gov with any questions.





Office of Neighborhood Coordination (ONC)

Website:  <https://cabq.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b697b563bdb0acc3e117a1409&id=21408e5012&e=44d9523a23> www.cabq.gov/neighborhoods
E-mail:  <mailto:onc at cabq.gov> onc at cabq.gov
Telephone: (505) 768-3334



This email was sent to meyster1 at me.com <mailto:meyster1 at me.com>  
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Office of Neighborhood Coordination, City of Albuquerque · PO Box 1293 · Albuquerque, NM 87103-1293 · USA 


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