Some people were wondering how to contact our city officials. This information is on the city website or you can call 311 during business hours and ask. Here is one web address.
I can't stop myself from making a comment about the ART project. I have made a number of written comments to officials over the last couple of years about the project as I saw the announcements of meetings and online materials. My comments to them have always centered around the details of the service. The BIG question to me is, does the City Council have a plan to allocate the operating money to fund the system for the years it will take to make it successful?
I have not heard an answer to that question. It would include a commitment to making all buses friendly and safe. The stops need to be friendly and safe as well. We have a pretty mixed bag in that area now. It will take money every year to make it great.
I think the Albuquerque Journal editorial on Sunday, February 28, had some key statements. They were
“If what’s on Central now is working so well, why are so many lots weedy and vacant, so many buildings boarded up to attract transients and trouble, so many businesses changing hands (160 in two years)?”
“And as with any project in New Mexico, the key will be successful execution.”
We may want them to make a few concessions or later modifications in the Nob Hill area, but improving the bus service would be good for us in the long run. I take the bus occasionally and find that is always convenient, often crowded, sometimes pleasant, and sometimes scary.
Spencer Nelson