Nob Hill: An Age Friendly Community

Who and What: As part of its regular outreach the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association has invited neighbor Melinda Rand, a 30 year resident of Nob Hill, to speak about her PhD work in “Supporting the Co-Creation of Community as We Age”.  Her dissertation thesis focuses on community conversations exploring ways in which Nob Hill residents, businesses and spiritual communities can join together to proactively support community connection.

Why: Melinda has been requested by the City of Albuquerque, Dept. of Senior Affairs, to engage the community in ongoing conversations. The goal of these interactive gatherings is for Nob Hill to become a model intergenerational neighborhood for the city.  Nob Hill is already a community hub, so the purpose is to recognize what we are presently doing, what more we can creatively do to enhance community connection and how Nob Hill can become a model for other neighborhoods to follow.


All are invited to this initial meeting to become familiar with the intentions of the conversations and the conversation model.  Melinda plans to organize and lead ongoing monthly meetings, inviting the neighborhood to join together, sharing their visions and ideas for Nob Hill.  Please join us for this introductory gathering.  This is a great opportunity for all voices in Nob Hill to come together in creating a long term vision for our community.


Contact:  For further information or questions contact Melinda Rand at:


We look forward to your participation!


When: Thursday, March 10, 2016…6 pm


Where: Monte Vista Christian Church, 3501 Campus Blvd NE


6 pm            Enjoy snacks, meet your neighbors


6:30 pm      Community Discussion


7:45 pm       Adjourn to informal discussion