ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The city has a new way to promote its Albuquerque Rapid Transit project during neighborhood meetings – a virtual reality tour of one of the bus stations.

It’s like stepping into a rendering. With a smartphone inserted into a cardboard headset, viewers can now get a 360-degree look at what it’s like to stand in a new ART station in the middle of Central Avenue.


We are making some gains with our STOP THIS ART campaign.  The city is having now to go out with this tech gimmick to sell this project which has violated several laws and has very little public support.

I have not seen this virtual tour but I bet it shows nothing of the damages to the communities along Lead/Coal/Zuni that will be negatively impacted by this ART.

That is one of the mail points of the legal challenges, there was no environmental impact study done of this project which alone makes it an illegal and doomed project.  The city probably knew that once folks along the impacted new traffic routes through the highly dense communities would find out about it they would strongly come out against it, which they have.  This key information was left out of the public presentations as non-essential.  Hell and high water is is not unimportant.

I am glad so many businesses along Central got the resistance started as it now gives time to the rest of those impacted to get organized and supportive.

Bob Anderson
resident who lives on Richmond at Coal