Hi all you Nob Hill business owners out there,
We are going into production for the Fall Nob Hill Neighborhood newsletter. If you saw last Spring's Nob Hill Is 100 commemorative issue, you know what a splashy publication it has become. This Fall's newsletter will look much the same, and we want to invite any businesses within Nob Hill's boundaries to have the opportunity to appear in this issue.
Our rates are the lowest in town because the newsletter is produced by all volunteer labor. We want to promote Nob Hill area activities and establishments to keep our neighborhood thriving. You know we are going into a challenging time with the coming (or not?) of ART, and we would like to make sure no one forgets that businesses need to be supported through the impending construction to remain viable. Therefore, we would like to invite you to get your business's name into everyone's awareness and to encourage fans to patronize local establishments.
  If you are interested in advertising, please go to our website www.nobhill-nm.com/newsletter or contact newsletter@nobhill-nm.com for more information. Just about everything you could think to ask is covered on the site, so please go there first, then contact me with your reservation for space, or with other questions.
Our deadline for final submissions is August 20th, but queries should be submitted soon to ensure sufficient time to nail down details and submit copy. Also, our space is limited, so when we reach that limit, you'll have to sit this one out and wait until Spring.
Thanks very much for making our community the great place it is, and thanks to the community for supporting our businesses  in return.
Beverly Hill

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